28 weeks - Philippians 4:6-7

Ok so I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this week FLEW by yet again! I'm also in a little bit of disbelief that January is already halfway done. But that also means we are that much closer to meeting Miss Emma!

We had our 28 week checkup on Tuesday, which also came with the wonderful diabetes test. I've endured the three hour test before in college when they diagnosed me with hypoglycemia and lets just say that was less than a blast. I can only imagine what it's like to take that thing while pregnant! Luckily I passed and I will not be dying of betes ; ) A little inside joke for me and Rory.....

My doctor also was a little concerned that Emma was measuring smaller than she should be so she order me to have an ultrasound. I was not at all disappointed that I would get to see my baby girl again! I was a little nervous so I had Rory come down and meet me for the ultrasound just in case. It only took a couple minutes but I LOVED being able to see her! She was actually measuring right on schedule but was curled up in a ball with her feet up in front of her face...and of course, butt down. Oh yeah. The tech assured us that we had plenty of time for her to turn, but if she's going to be as stubborn as her mama, she won't turn ; ) The tech said with the way she was positioned, that's what likely threw the doctor off.

My already photogenic diva! Here, she's telling us "Seriously guys, you have enough pictures!"

In any case, I'll have another ultrasound in 2 1/2 weeks at my next appointment for my doc to check Emma's position again. I've already been preparing myself for a C-section since I was younger because my mom, aunt and grandmother all had C-sections because they were too small. My doctor has really been pushing for me to go regular but I've been keeping myself prepared just in case. If she doesn't turn, I told Rory that it'll just be that much better because then we'll KNOW when we're ganna be parents with the scheduled delivery : ) Just one less thing to worry about!

It's starting to get even more real now when I think about how after my next appointment, I'll start going every two weeks! Then I'll have my showers. Then, we'll have to stop traveling long distances (not that we really do now) just in case something were to happen. Then it will be only a matter of time before Rory and I become parents! CRAZINESS!

Another funny story for your weekend, Rory finally felt her! ; ) Not by choice, mind you, but she got a good couple of pokes in before he realized it was her ; ) Sneaky like her mama! We were sitting on the couch at mom and dads on Monday night for family dinner and I had my belly on his leg. He told me he thought that I started poking his leg and then horrifyingly realized that my hands were nowhere near his leg ; ) He didn't jump out of his skin but it was quite comical to see him try and get away. He's more aware now of where my belly is when I'm sitting next to him. LOL!

This weekend will be full on cleaning mode to get the nursery cleared out and ready for her Pops and Resee to deliver her crib and dresser. I have a feeling that I will be uber emotional once everything gets put in and I can just stand in the doorway and stare at this new room that this little person will soon occupy. It won't be long now!

12 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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