Fun-filled wkend!

This weekend was full of fun, to say the least!

Friday kicked it off in an amazing way. Will finally proposed to Audra!!! We had it all planned out at the summit and she had no clue! Our friend Candace got it all on tape and even made a youtube video! Here's the link:

After the proposal, we all went to eat at Superior Grill...yum! Saturday was a pretty relaxing day to start with. Rory had to work so I spent the morning cleaning and doing some much needed grocery shopping! I would have done more laundry, but some dirt daubers decided to set up camp right outside our utility room door so getting to the washer and dryer was a task. Once Rory got home, it was off to the school for a graduation celebration for two girls at our church. One is going to UAB for nursing and the other is going to Southern Union in Opelika...not sure what she's doing : ) 

After getting out of the party pretty early, the gang decided that we were going to go back to Rory and my's house and play "Christian Cup" - a non-alcoholic version of beer pong : ) We played with our own drinks of choice - which ranged from Vitamin water to sweet tea to even some root beer : ) Lets just say we definitely don't need to drink real alcohol to have fun! It got a little rowdy and some glasses were broken, but in all, it was a pretty good time : )  I didn't last very long though. I was out by 10.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. I missed church sunday morning because of sinus crap...stupid spring in Alabama! Rory and I had cooked a roast and come veggies and Will and Audra came and ate with us for Sunday lunch (we're trying to save some money for a new car soon so we're cutting back on eating out so much). Sunday night at church was good...another great lesson and some awesome worship. After church, we all grabbed some food and headed over to the community house (its actually some friends of ours' house but its so big and they are so welcoming that people are over there all the time!). They're really big into karaoke too so it got pretty crazy as the night went on : )

Now, its back to the grind. Full week of work this week and then its off to Tennessee to visit the in-laws and go to a wedding shower for a friend in Florence. Life never slows down but I wouldn't have it any other way : )

God bless you!


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