Is your light bright enough?

With all the politics and debates on everything from gun laws to same-sex marriage, its very easy to get discouraged and depressed about where our country is headed....remember the phrase "History repeats itself"? Take a moment to reflect on Israel...Babylon....Persia....Greece....Rome. Can you think of one thing they all have in common? I've been reading 2 Kings as part of our reading through the Bible at church (I'm WAY behind btw) and I'm currently reading the passages that talk about the capture of Israel by the Assyrians and how God will ultimately wipe them out completely because of their disobedience to God. All those nations I listed at the beginning...all wiped out too! Why? Because of their disobedience to God. Some people may say it was because of a weak government or weakness in general that allowed them to be overrun, but God is in everything that happens in this world. Anything that happens does so because He allows it. But why would he allow such corruption, you ask? Its because God has given us free will. Free will to believe whatever we want to believe, even if that means we don't believe in him. Free will to do what we want, when we want, even if that means we don't do what he wants us to or has commanded us to. Having said that, free will does not make what we believe or what we do right. God has given us free will, but he has also given us guidelines on how to achieve eternal life after this one. He wants everyone to achieve that prize, as stated in 2 Peter 3:9, but he also realizes that everyone won't, as stated in Matthew 7:13-14. I never believed it when people told me that someday, I would be persecuted for what I believe...until now. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am growing up and people my age are very firm in what they believe, as am I. Everyone is interested in their own opinions and trying to force them on others, a fact that, unfortunately, I am guilty of sometimes. But there is a difference between opinion/belief and truth. God's word is truth (John 17:17). Period. If God says that something is wrong, its wrong. Its not one person's opinion, its God's word. I commend Mr. Cathy for standing up for God's word and the truth and letting his "light" shine! It should be seen as an example of what a true Christian should do in times like these....don't bend to the latest trend of opinions. Stand up for what you know to be the truth. I read what Mr. Cathy said, and I personally don't see any part of that statement that is meant to stir up trouble or bash any group of people. He was stating his beliefs and the beliefs that his company was founded on...beliefs, btw, that this COUNTRY was founded on as well. I don't want to start any big debate (because who can debate with God, really?) but I want to make known my beliefs and what I know to be the truth according to God (who created the heavens and the earth, and all things in the earth). I don't want to force anyone to believe what I believe or think what I think, so please don't try to do the same to me. God gave us ALL free will. Who am I to try and take that away? But remember, just because God allows us to believe what we want and do what we want doesn't make it right. It also doesn't mean that if we're wrong, he'll continue to allow it. Remember Israel up there? God eventually had enough. And God have mercy on this country and its people when He gets to that point with us.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

God Bless!


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