
So its been a minute since I wrote a post in here...not much going on that's "post-worthy". So i'll recap on the happenings of the last month or so for those who actually want to know : )

Things have been quiet but busy around casa de Guthrie...Lily is now a little over a year and a half old and still just as crazy : ) We had some trouble with fleas for the first time this year so her summer was pretty long....bless her heart. The vet was telling us that since we never really had a winter last year, the fleas and ticks never went away and they got worse as the summer went on. We've now kept her inside for the last month to give her some relief. Thank goodness we never had any problem with the fleas on the furniture or on the rugs. We only ever saw maybe two or three. Poor Lily just couldn't escape them and ended up chewing a bald spot on her back so now we have to keep her inside and watch her closely so it will heal : /

We are now taking the whole "home improvement" stuff seriously and I have begun to paint the inside of the cabinets in the kitchen. We are debating on whether we want to take on the gargantuan task of sanding down the cabinets and repainting since the previous owners (the people who built the house) decided they wanted to put enough lacquer on the cabinets to see themselves. We may just redo the floor and call it a day. We have also started quoting costs for redoing the bathroom - another huge task since the builders decided it would be a great idea to put a window in the shower and frame it with WOOD! Now, we have to try to save up enough money so that when we pull out the fake marble that's on the wall and see that the whole wall has rotted out because of water damage, we will be able to cover it : ) Isn't owning a home fun?!

We just celebrated our 2nd anniversary also : ) It SO does not seem like its been 2 years, but it's been a blast! We decided to celebrate by going down to Auburn and watching the Auburn/Arkansas game. Someone should have warned us that it wouldn't exactly be celebrating....I have accepted the fact that we are now the worst team in the SEC and I am ok with that. Every team has their off years. We'll bounce back in the next few and be back on top...hopefully : )

We are looking forward to a couple of Tennessee games though! They have a much better chance of winning more than 2 games this season and as a supportive wife, I will support my husband and his team ; ) We may be headed up there for the Bama game this coming weekend so I will get to see some REAL southern hatred haha! Then, we'll be headed back up in November for the Missouri game, which I think will actually be a very good game.

Rory is still in school and is doing well. He's trying to get all of his general studies out of the way and will hopefully be done with them in the next year. The Lord decided to bless us even more by Rory's student loans being pushed back since he is in school, thus allowing us to save some major mulah for the next two years! That is really a blessing since we are seriously considering selling our house in the next year or so and finding something bigger that we can grow in ; )

For now, our blessings are running over and we continue to thank God for them!

God Bless!


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