It's been a minute...

So I haven't written a post in a good minute...mostly because nothing much has been happening.

Thanksgiving was good. We celebrated a week early with Rory's family and then my grandmother came to Thanksgiving at my parents' house the week of. I have to say, the older she gets, the more hilarious she is! I've heard stories of my great-grandmother (who I was named after) from my family. She was the hilarious old lady that didn't care what anyone thought and had no filter. She once locked herself in the nursing home mail room because she thought they were keeping her mail from her! The older my grandmother gets, the more I can see her doing something like that : ) So far, she's only run over one person with her motorized scooter that resulted in her being "sentenced" to anger management classes....seriously. I couldn't make this stuff up! I love her regardless and I only hope that she will still be here when Rory and I start having kids. I would love for them to have some memories like I have from my great-grandmother!

Christmas was also good. We again celebrated a week early with Rory's family. My favorite moment was watching my SIL open a box of 180 diapers for my niece! She was so excited! Seeing my niece was pretty awesome too : ) She's starting to smile a lot more and she has found her voice. Needless to say, it's not very quiet at her house! We celebrated Christmas with my family the weekend before Christmas and it was very nice and relaxing. Rory and I were most excited about my youngest brother opening his TWO autographed pictures by Trent Richardson and Mark Ingram. Rory got a steal on them (which was the only way we could afford two) and it was so worth it to see Curt's face! Rory and I got to celebrate together on Christmas Day : ) I hid Rory's present until Christmas Eve because I wanted to start practicing for when we have to hide our kids' presents. The only difference will be that our kids will be in bed before midnight! I had to wait until 2 am to go and get it out of the laundry room! I kept waking up thinking I could go get it only to roll over and see him wide away : / But it was well worth it to see the excitement when he saw his present : ) I was totally excited about mine too! I FINALLY got my red Kitchenaide mixer that I've been wanting for 2 years! Now I just need a new kitchen : )

New Years was good as well. We spent it at a bible study with some old friends. The fireworks that they got were surprisingly good! It was pretty funny to watch them shoot each other with roman candles...oh the memories I have of the Kennedy boys : ) I don't think it will matter how old they get; they will always be crazy.

This year is already filling up with so many great blessings and opportunities! Rory and I are in a weekly Bible study with friends and we are part of a bi-weekly marriage bible study with some couples at church. So far, it has been so encouraging and given me more strength in my Christian walk already! I can't wait to see how they progress! Rory and I also have planned a vacation to Universal Studios! I've been to Disney World but I've heard Universal described as the big kids' Disney World. I think I'm most excited about the Harry Potter part! We are also planning on going to the beach this year...the first time since our honeymoon! I'm pretty excited about being able to spend some time with my toes in the sand and not having to work about work!

We're looking forward to see what God has in store for us this year! I'll try to do better with keeping this up to date on the happenings of casa de Guthrie!

God bless!


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