Lessons in Stress Management

So I am beginning a new round of responsibilities at work....project management. It really should be called "stress management" because I don't remember the last time I was this stressed!

I know what you're thinking. "Carrie, why would you be so stressed when you're just overseeing the people who are doing all the work?" You clearly do not know my mother. Let's just say the phrase 'I am my mother's daughter' is referring directly to me. My mother is a control freak and therefore, so am I. I am that person who, when someone is doing something that I think should be done a different way, I step in and do it myself. This is a very bad trait in project management, just for the shear fact that I have several people working under me doing a ton of things that one person could NEVER do alone. That doesn't stop me from wanting to do it myself though. I am working on it and I can only give credit where credit is due....God!

My prayer life has grown in leaps and bounds since I've taken on this responsibility, and it's amazing how much it helps! I still get stressed when I dwell on things too long but for the most part, I just let go and let God handle it. I really think this is one of those trials talked about in James 1:2. I know that God is allowing this trial to come to me to make me stronger and to let my light shine brighter for Him. I feel blessed that He has the confidence in me that He knows I can overcome this with help from him and become a better and stronger Christian because of it! It makes me feel good that He trusts me with this : ) At the same time, I know that He's putting this on me so that I look to Him for help...He's so smart like that ; )

I will say that the stress and the headaches of getting a project done are all worth it in the end when everything comes together. I have had my first conference meetings and will begin training with our sales reps in the next month and it's so exciting to see all this work pay off! Everyone laughs at me that I get so excited that the project is going so well but it's my first one and you can't help but get excited!

In other news, home improvement has taken a good shove forward at Casa de Guthrie. The window in our shower (yes, a full window) has now begun to show signs of termite damage - yay - so it will be coming down SOON! We have to get an inspector out to make sure the damage isn't spread too far but the frame will have to be replaced. And since this is our only bathroom, we will have to resort to plastic and duct tape to be able to continue to use the shower as we work on it. Hey, we do live in Alabama after all. Plastic and duct tape are staples of home improvement down here! If you can't fix it with those, you've got a serious problem.

Since Tevin is living with us for the summer and Rory is taking a break from classes until fall, this project should be fast and easy (notice I said "should be") for them. At least the demo part. We'll have to see how soon after the demo we can start to replace the wood and then we'll want to immediately start tiling, which means the whole shower, which means $$ (which we don't have). Don't you just love unexpected home improvement projects?! We'll just take it one day at a time : )

I've also begun to notice that something is in the water and all of my friends seem to be drinking it....baby fever! I think I've seen at least one pregnancy announcement on Facebook every week since April! What the what people?! I know that I'm getting older when all the people I know are either getting married or having babies...Just to clarify, I do NOT have an announcement myself. Just pointing out an observation : ) And a shout out to my "Fertile Myrtle" cousin Laura, who is about to have her third! Hope everything goes well with you and "Dale". Now let someone else expand the family for a while!

God bless!


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