Beach baby

It's been a minute since I've posted on gets crazy with a toddler :)

Still no walking on her own but she's become braver and has started cruising on furniture and walking while holding one hand instead of two! I don't think it will be long now! :) We're still working on getting rid of the bottle but we're down to one bottle a day and the rest of the time, she drinks from a sippy cup. She's good with just about any sippy cup these days but her fav is the kind with a straw. And believe me when I say, she is a bottomless pit! She will eat anything and everything! She tends to eat what's in front of her first and then she wants to sample everyone else's food lol. We learned she really likes grits (that's my southern girl!) and pickles and is partial to fish; it depends on how it's cooked.

We also learned that she's not a fan of sand or the waves. She's not really too keen on sitting in her baby pool either so most of our beach time consisted of her sitting and climbing on me :) I'm totally fine with it because I know next year, Lord willing, she'll be running around playing and won't want to sit with mama. 

We've learned how to juggle baby duties too and still do fun big kid stuff this trip ;) it's been an adjustment as this is our first vacation with her as a toddler (we went to gatlinburg last year when she was still real little). Thankfully, our friends have gone with the flow and don't mind doing things twice so we both get a turn :) We got to race go-karts one day and it was so much fun! 

Emma really enjoyed watching everyone racing around and was laughing and waving.

Our trip would not have been complete without a blowout or two. We're giving our friends Corey and Kalai a taste of what having a kid 24/7 is like and this was one of the less pretty moments. They both love Emma to death and I don't think it will be long before they start their own family ;) this experience was hilarious though! They were pretty amazed at how it could come out of a diaper like that. I, of course, didn't miss a beat in getting her car seat to the showers and hosing her down and cleaning out the car seat (been there, done that a thousand times) while they all laughed and tried not to lose their lunches ;) oh the joys of being the mom!

She also had her first zoo trip while we were down there. I'd never been to the Gulf Shores Zoo either and it's been a minute since I've been to any zoo, so it was a treat for me too. Emma LOVED the animals and tried so hard to jump out of her stroller to try and touch all of them! Her favorite was the baby tigers. They were having a 'tiger experience' while we were there where you could pay money to be able to go play with the baby tigers. It was amazing how big a 6 week old tiger was! The 12 week old tigers were twice as big as the little ones! And then there were the parents who were massive. They were kept nice and cool in their big cages while their little ones were getting up close and personal with humans ;)

All in all, the beach was pretty successful! Maybe next year, E will be ok with the sand and the water but we've got a whole other 364 days to get ready for that!

God bless!


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