Here's my hat...

So I'm throwing my hat in the ring and will now give my 'opinion' on Miss Kim Davis' situation:

I applaud her for not violating her conscience and upholding what she knows to be truth in the matter. Her past has no baring on this issue as we all have pasts and have made sinful choices. That's what's so great about the all-encompassing grace of God! I will also say that while I strive to love and respect all people, I don't approve of certain lifestyle choices. That's really the issue in this whole situation. It saddens me that our country is celebrating sinful choices like this but, like Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun. Homosexuality (and all other sins, for that matter) has been around since the beginning of time. Whether our country decides to make it legal for people of the same sex to be recognized as married is beside the point. Would it have stop homosexuality if the government had kept it illegal to obtain a marriage license between two people of the same sex? Of course not. 

While I applaud Ms Davis for upholding her beliefs, I do not necessarily agree of how she went about disobeying the law. Yes, when the law goes against God's commandments, we are to follow the commands of God and not man. But as Christians, we are also commanded to live quietly, and to mind our own affairs (1 Thessalonians 4). Had she simply resigned from her duties as a clerk, she could have maintained her conscience all the same. She would have been out a job, but a clean conscience and a right heart in the eyes of God are so much more important. I'm sure there were a lot of people who walked away from government jobs when this law came into effect. They aren't in the news and they are likely just fine with their decision. Ms Davis now has a record and it will likely result in her having a difficult time finding another job, if she so chooses to resign.

It is a great thing to see people stand up for the truth in God's word and to take the hard roads when they know that persecution is sure to come. I'm not suggesting at all that she should have taken the easy way out; that would have been for her to just issue the marriage licence, which I don't believe would have been the right thing. What I am saying is that in the coming times when we Christians will surely face persecution and hard decisions that will no doubt make our lives harder, we need to look at all options before deciding how to act. We must act with love and humility to give glory to God. She has made herself a martyr, which I think is really only appropriate when you have no other options. She has three...comply with the law and issue licenses to same-sex couples, resign from her post, or remain in jail. 

Let me continue on to say that the other side of this story is not in the right either. These couples could have gone elsewhere to obtain a marriage license, but instead, they saw her defiance as something they could beat out of her. They were persistent, which is a great quality, but not when you are working to break down someone else's beliefs. They, too, saw this as an opportunity to further their cause. Now, it's come down to Christian beliefs vs Liberal beliefs (and I only write liberal because there's really not another term for it) and it has been a battle that has raged for centuries. There is already a winner (and let me ruin it for you....God wins) so it's just a battle that's just going to keep on raging until the end of times.

The only thing I can do as a Christian is to continue to walk in the Light and teach as many as I can about the truth and the grace of God that saves all (and I mean ALL) men and how to grab hold of that good gift and be at God's side when the end comes. 


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