Tennessee Summers

It's been a minute since I updated everyone on the goings-on at casa de Guthrie, so here goes:

We're inching ever closer to the most wonderful time of the year - college football! I still can't believe we've been in Spring Hill for almost eight months, but it's only because it has been so amazing! I can't wait until the weather turns more pleasant and we can start spending more time outside again! August has proven to be the worst month weather-wise so far. It's not so much hot, just SUPER humid. You would think those random summer showers would cool it down, but nope, it just makes it worse. I'm working on growing my hair out from my pixie cut too, so high humidity = frizzy afro. Not such a great thing for my self confidence.

Staying cool with our water table!

We are planning a few trips here and there during football season (and never too far from a TV) and even have a few get-togethers planned for our house. I'm trying to do better here in Tennessee with being hospitable. I used to have so many excuses about "my house isn't clean enough" or "it's not the way I want it to look yet". I've realized that's just the devil filling my head with nonsense and I need to just do it! Besides, if they're true friends, nobody cares how your house looks anyways.

I've started working with Emma on some preschool activities just to get her ready for kindergarten next year. The expectations of kids going into kindergarten have vastly changed since I was that age (but full disclosure - I was home schooled in kindergarten, so I can't really compare my experience with public school experiences). I've been trying to research exactly what her teachers will expect her to already know before she starts school, and it's a little ridiculous guys. I know every school is different, but some I've read about expect your kid to already know how to read! And not just a few sight words, like actual small books! I'm sorry, but when did it go from learning how to color in the lines to now learning how to read novels by the time you reach 1st grade?! I'm exaggerating slightly here, but seriously, my teacher-friends, is this really what it's evolved into? Do I need to freak out yet?

We are part of a small preschool-meetup group with a couple of moms from church so I'm excited that Emma is getting to experience being around other kids in a learning setting. Each week is going to be a different teacher (one of the other moms) so Emma will get to experience a broad range of teaching styles and different subjects. I get so excited to see her learn!

Emma is literally growing like a weed! We started growth hormones about a month ago and she has already grown an inch! With a crazy growth spurt also comes a crazy appetite. The kid goes through phases during the day where she cannot get enough food! She's still extremely picky, so it's just a lot of waffles, hot dogs, and cheesy roll ups. She's doing awesome with her shots and we're almost down to a tolerable scream when she has to have it. She only cries for a second and then reassures us that it doesn't hurt that bad since it's just a tiny baby needle. So far, she's had no side effects so we're hoping that just continues from here on out.

On her way to Target ;)

Penny is still trying to close the gap. She had her 18 month check up last week and is in the 65th percentile for weight and the 80th percentile for height. Needless to say, she'll be the "big sister". Emma still has about 3 lbs and 3 inches on her, but I don't think it'll be long before she catches up and passes E. She's a better eater than Emma in terms of variety of food, but she's more picky than Emma was at this age. It's so interesting to see their different quirks. P's vocabulary continues to grow every day. She's starting to work on piecing together a couple of words, like "Hey Daddy" or "More please" and "Thank you". She's starting to look more and more like a little girl these days too, instead of a baby. It makes my mama heart break but get excited too!

My stinker enjoying her mashed potatoes!

So that's pretty much it in a nutshell. I hope everyone is enjoying the start of school season and getting excited about the start of football! War Eagle and Go Vols from the Guthries!

God bless!


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