We have officially been residents of the great state of Tennessee for one year...and what a year it's been!
2017 |
2018 |
I never could have imagined the roller coaster that awaited us on this adventure we embarked upon a year ago, but I also wouldn't change a single thing! Ok, so maybe I would change one or two things, but I know that everything that's happened has put us on the path that God has laid specifically for us, and I honestly can't wait to see what else is in store for us! Good or bad, we're ready for it!
Christmas was MUCH more enjoyable this year since the girls were actually able to unbox all of their presents and play with them instead of having to stick them straight in a moving box for us to bring to Tennessee. I am also getting to enjoy my Christmas tree beyond the day after Christmas! I still have no clue where we're going to dispose of it since we're in the city now. It was pretty nice to just be able to chunk the tree off the back deck last year ;)
I didn't get a picture of it with the lights on, but I have enjoyed this view every morning :) |
The girls' first Gingerbread House! |
We had a great visit with my parents and brother's family the weekend before Christmas. I love being surrounded by family! It was the first year, however, that we had no family staying with us on the day of Christmas. It was just the four Guthries, and I loved it! I can now understand when people say that the best present is watching your kids enjoy the magic of Christmas. I wouldn't have minded one bit if I didn't get a single present, because watching Emma's eyes light up as she opened each and every present like it was the most amazing gift was perfect. Penny's still a little young to really get into Christmas, but she tore into those things like there was candy hidden in each one LOL! Of course, in true toddler fashion, she was much more enamored with the boxes than the actual toys that they contained.
The girls with Reesee |
Reesee with three of her five grandkids :) (Bug and Hamp not pictured) |
This was her reaction to EVERY present :) |
Penny wasn't sure what to think about all this new stuff... |
Now we gear up for the new year and planning a couple of birthdays coming up in the next few months. It STILL blows my mind that I will have a 2 year old and a 5 year old in just a mere 3 months....can someone tell me where Father Time escaped to? That also means that we're just a few months away from Kindergarten registration...yes, you read that right. Emma will be in kindergarten next year! I know that I'll blink and she'll be heading off to her senior year of high school, so I plan to soak up every single moment that I can. Poor Penny won't know what to do with herself when she realizes that she has me all to herself for most of the day starting next fall. I think the first few weeks might be hard because she and Emma absolutely love each other and don't want to be apart, but I think once we all get into a routine, things will be just fine.
The designated "Tablet" spot in our house ;) |
Some fun with Snapchat filters |
Cute Cats ;) |
Love these two silly girls! |
Best Friends for Life |
Emma is still growing like a weed, but with the growth spurt upwards, she's become a lanky little thing. She's already in that awkward stage of pants where she needs the length but the waist is WAY too big. She can still wear a 2T in pants in the waist, but the length of those pants is basically shorts. Bless her heart. She has no booty either, so pants just slide straight down LOL! I know she'll grow into her body just like I did, but I still remember the days of being nothing but a bean pole.
Our Emma Kate |
Penny, on the other hand, got blessed with all the belly and booty. She has enough for both of the girls combined! No bean pole issues for her right now. She's quickly growing right through 2T and 24 month clothing and, I suspect, will be breaking into 3T clothes by her 2nd birthday. This is uncharted territory for us since Emma basically stayed in each size clothing for more than a year! Penny's only been wearing 2T and 24 months since October :/ The growth of this kid - yeesh! You wouldn't know it by her eating habits though. She isn't as picky as Emma is right now, but she eats like a bird most of the time. She and Emma, both, are more of snackers. I don't mind them having snacks during the day, but I have been struggling majorly with getting them to actually eat an entire meal in one sitting.
Our silly and sweet Penny Rae! |
We're also very close to two major milestones for Penny. She's lost some interest in the potty as of right now, but after New Years, I'll be getting serious with her on potty training. She's a little bit ADHD (ok, more like a lot) so for her, sitting still for more than 30 seconds is a major struggle. I still haven't decided how I'll approach it, but it's better to not have any expectations and just hope for the best! She's also almost outgrown her crib. This morning was the first time she flipped out of it. Thankfully, she flipped onto her cushy chair and only her feet hit the door, but it gave her a good scare. She's already down on the lowest mattress hole, so with that, we'll likely be putting the converter on her crib to make it a toddler bed. I've been dreading this part because I know what awaits her and us in training her to stay in her bed. I've gone back and forth about putting a gate up in front of the bedroom door, but since she and Emma share a room and Emma's fully potty trained, that would hinder Emma from getting out of the room to potty if she needs to (poor Shorts). I had planned on making the transition to a toddler bed after she turned 2, but Penny's never been one to follow plans that I make LOL! Have a second kid, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
In all honesty, I couldn't imagine our lives without either of our kiddos. God placed them specifically in our lives to help us grow and to strengthen our faith and theirs. I get excited when I think about what awaits us going forward, the good, bad, and ugly! God never said it would be easy, but I know it'll be worth it. I hope that you and your family had a great holiday, however you celebrated it! I pray that God blesses your new year as well! Here's to the last year of the 2010s!
Happy Holidays from The Guthries! |
God bless!
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