Two Weeks to Two

Our precious caboose, Penelope Rae, is two weeks shy of her second birthday today. How, in the world, did two years go by so fast?
I haven't posted an update in a while, so I figured I would take this opportunity to give a brain dump on the Guthrie clan lately.

Penny is literally growing up before our eyes. Her vocabulary has exploded the last couple of months and she is working on putting words together to form sentences. Right now, it's no more than 2 or 3 words long, but it's phrases like "Daddy home" when Rory gets home from work and "Mama more milk" when she's out of chocolate milk for the millionth time 😉 She's also growing out of 2T clothes so I'm planning on making the switch in her closet to all 3T clothes this weekend. She was in 2T for all of 3 months....seriously. This is ALL new territory for us since Emma stays in sizes for more than a year and Penny flies right through them. At this rate, she and Emma will be wearing the same size clothes by the fall! Mind. Blown.

Emma continues to grow UP. We're trying to keep pace with the upward trend by having more food in the house that she can eat, but even with an increased appetite, the kid is a string bean! It's scary how much she reminds me of me when I was little and nothing but knees and elbows. I know she'll be the smallest in her class, and I'm totally ok with that! And just like me, one day she'll be ok with being little. Lately, she's become intrigued by gymnastics (I showed her a video of Auburn gymnastics and then she tried to show us her "flips", which were really just jumping in the air and then bowing to the floor lol!) so I have a feeling that a little gymnast could be in our future. It wouldn't be the worst idea ever either, since she's a tad on the clumsy side.

Rory and I are getting ready for our first vacation sans kids in April. I can't decide if I'm more excited about going on my first cruise or being kid-free for five full days....or maybe a little of both? Either way, I'm excited to be able to have some quality time with Rory (plus a few other family members who are going with us) and to have my toes in some Bahamian sand for a couple of days! E and P will get to spend the whole week with my parents, which I know they all will have a blast! Maybe it will be the start of a "Camp Reesee and Pop" for a week during the summers going forward (hint hint) 😉

Not much else going on at casa de Guthrie, which I count as a blessing. We've all managed to dodge the flu and strep bugs that are making the rounds here, for now at least. I'm praying that we can all stay well for a little while now, since we've had our bouts with sinus and stomach bugs for the last couple of months. We're also coming to terms with the fact that we may not get any snow this year. We really wanted to get a couple of good powdery inches to break our snow innertube in this year, but alas, we'll just have to save it for another time. I guess we're not far enough north for a guaranteed snow every year. We'll just have to make plans to visit Curt, Ashton and Hampton one winter so we can for sure get some GOOD snow 😉

I hope everyone is staying warm in this insane cold snap!

God Bless!


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