I've been terrible at keeping up my blog lately (sorry to the whole 2 people who try to keep up with us on here. I've totally let you down).
This has always been the place where I can not only provide updates on the epic happenings of Casa de Guthrie, but also the place where I can unload the burdens of my head and my heart from time to time. I do it, more often than not now, through prayer, which is a good thing. There's also something very therapeutic about writing everything out and releasing it into the virtual cosmos for whoever has time to waste reading it ;)
So my burdens lately have been all about being a WFHM (work from home mom). While I do get the best of both worlds of being able to stay with my kids at home AND have an outside job, I also get the worst of both worlds with no separation of mommy/employee work. I have to juggle keeping my kids from destroying my house and killing themselves while also attending meetings and keeping deadlines. Don't forget laundry and dishes either. I'm not complaining because I know where my strength comes from (Psalms 121:1-2) but, guys, this work is HARD. Being a mom is hard. Being an employee is hard. Combine the two, and it's next level. Finding the balance is a constant struggle. I find myself failing on both sides daily. I either give my child more attention and my work takes a back seat or I dedicate my focus to work and my child has to fend for herself. I'm not looking for sympathy on this; I'm simply venting. Most days, it works out just fine (for now). My kids are fed, clothed, happy, and thriving. Mom win. My work is going well and I'm gaining more responsibility. Work win. I know at any moment, all of it could become a complete and utter disaster, but for now, I'm walking the tightrope on nothing but prayer and coffee. Lots of coffee. This also explains why you may see me zoned out if I'm alone at the grocery store or sitting in my car by myself: That is ME time. I'm nobody in those moments, and I'm drinking it all in. My heart nearly skips a beat when I think about three years from now when Penny starts kindergarten and I'm truly alone for eight hours of the day....my eyes well up and my mind races with the thought of superb silence. I know I'll miss these days with my babies, but I'm not going to lie about the joy it will bring me to be by myself. So for now, I will remain a permanently exhausted human who is leaning more and more on Jesus and my Keurig to get through each day with enough left over for tomorrow.
Another part of having an outside job - work trips! |
On the way to Austin, TX. Note - those are TREES! |
The other half of Teksouth's HR Dept, Caitlyn! |
Downtown Austin |
It wasn't all work ;) This band was HILARIOUS! |
Now on to what you REALLY came to read about: a family update.
It's been quite a while since I gave an update on anything, so I'll try to pick up where I left off. Emma had her hernia surgery in July and everything turned out amazing. It was harder than we anticipated to make her take it easy for the two weeks post-op, but everything worked out and she was back to her normal, silly self in no time. She officially started kindergarten in August and has loved every minute! The first day was rough on both of us, but it has since been smooth sailing. Her teacher is an absolute dream. She's the sweetest person and gives us daily updates on everything going on in class. I really feel like we're setting ourselves up for disappointment down the road because I'll now expect every teacher to do this, which I know they won't all be able to. Maybe we can convince Mrs. Bennett to pull a "Mr. Feeny" and follow E all the way through college ;)
Another tooth down! |
Penny and I are getting into a better routine with just the two of us at home for the majority of the day. She's enjoying not having to share anything now and playing with just about whatever she wants to. She's more like me than I thought and doesn't mind playing by herself. I've started to notice that she does this even when we're around other people. She is completely content to do her own thing. I'm happy to oblige on most days when I'm super busy with meetings and work.
Not much else to report on. We're all impatiently waiting on the real "fall", which we all know will be a grand total of about five days of actual fall temperatures, which will then plummet and we'll be in full-on winter. Let's just hope we get some snow to show for it this year. I believe the Farmer's Almanac about as much as I believe the 10 day forecast on The Weather Channel app. I'm ready for boots and scarves and taco soup, although I have to admit that I've already made taco soup. There are just some things I can't wait on the weather for ;)
God Bless!
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