I posted a few pictures yesterday that served as highlights of our 2019, but as I scrolled through the pictures to pic my top nine, I realized just how much happened in the past 12 months. It seems like the past year held more than a years-worth of activity, which almost made it seem to go on forever, and yet, pass by in a flash. I'm getting the distinct feeling that every year will feel like that as I get older.
January marked our first full year as residents of the state of Tennessee. Emma had her first major haircut, care of myself. I have to say, her hair is pretty easy to cut because of how straight it is, but I'm not even going to attempt Penny's. We may just all be transitioning to a professional this year for trims.
February was a celebration of birthdays - Penny turning two and my grandmother turning 90! We had already been experiencing a little bit of the Terrible Twos, but we had no idea what we were in for. Lord, please help us during the Three-nage year this year!
March saw Emma turning 5 and officially getting ready for kindergarten. She has absolutely LOVED school this year and her teacher has been a big part of that. We love Mrs. Bennett and will miss her so much when Emma finishes Kindergarten in May.
April was our surprise family reunion to celebrate my dad turning 60. My brother and his family came down from Boston and, while things didn't go exactly as planned, it was still fun for all of us to be together under one roof for a few days. I was so excited to meet my new nephew too! We're hoping to be able to get together every couple of years. Hopefully the next reunion won't include a random stomach bug *fingers crossed*
Photo cred: Jessica Chapman Photography |
May was definitely one for the books! I think this was our busiest month of the year. It started with Rory and I taking our first cruise to the Bahamas with his extended family. It was probably one of the best vacations I've taken so far. SO relaxing and beautiful! Once back, we got to take the girls on our first trip to a Tennessee lake with some friends and we realized that we're definitely lake people. It would fit in very nicely with my dream of owning a log cabin on a lake one day ;) Following the lake visit, we headed to Mississippi to celebrate the life of my grandfather with family and friends. It was a last bittersweet trip to Columbus for the funeral but then some quality family time to remember good times had with Paw.

June was our "chill" month, which worked out perfect because it was either hot or rainy, or both, most of the month. We fought the heat in our inflatable pool in the shade of the garage for a good part of the month - before daddy decided to try to put it away and ended up popping it :(
July was another full month of fun. We celebrated 4th of July before Emma had her hernia surgery (complete with a double visit from the tooth fairy). We rounded out the month with a end-of-summer party at some friends' house before everybody started school!
August was the start of school for our baby! She was SO excited about Kindergarten and she has learned so much already in just the first half of school! Rory and I both took trips out of state this month too (mine for work and his for fun) but it was so exciting to come back home and hear about how school was and see the excitement that Emma has for it. I hope she keeps that excitement, but I have a feeling that excitement will be curbed once she gets older :/
Yep - Rory caught a home-run ball AND got on TV |
September slowed down some while getting SUPER hot. It was, by far, the hottest month of the year. The state even set some records! We did venture out once or twice to check out some "vintage" baseball and make a Bowling Green trip.
October was another busy month starting with Emma's first field trip to the pumpkin patch! A trip to the mountains followed a week later and we all had so much fun! This was Penny's first trip to Gatlinburg and Emma's first one she will remember ;) You can't forget Halloween, which was brutally cold but still fun! We loved having the Treat Trail with church family again this year!
We finally got our first "snow" in November, even before Thanksgiving! Emma had her first Kindergarten program (which was the most adorable thing ever!) and we got to see lots of family and celebrate being thankful for all of God's blessings!
December was pretty much an entire month of gifts rather than saving them for specific days. We actually got our tree earlier this year than last year and it made it for an entire month! It was definitely one of the best trees we've had over the last few years - nice and full! I got to enjoy my early birthday/Christmas present from the beginning of the month and I am still fully enjoying it every day! The girls got an early Christmas present too and have loved having a bunk bed! Now if we can just get Penny to sleep an entire night in it....
There were plenty of festivities for the month and Emma and I had our second annual trip to Dickens of a Christmas, complete with a picture with Elsa, Anna and Kristoff ;)
Snow #2! |
Date Night to see Star Wars! |
Family trip to Nashville Children's Theater |
Merry Christmas from The Guthries! |
My first trip to Opryland Hotel! |
So now we enter 2020 with optimism and hope for what God has planned for this year. We're excited to see what will come next!
God Bless! |
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