2020 Reboot

 Now that the longest Spring Break in the history of the world is finally over and school has resumed, I feel like I am mentally rebooted. I know we're a LONG way from being done with this pandemic, but it seems like I'm emerging from this fog that sat over me filled with confusion and uncertainty. No doubt those feelings are still there, but it's not overwhelming anymore.

Both of the girls are going in-person to school and it has done more for my mental health than I ever anticipated! I know it's helped them too. We're finally in a routine of some kind with places to go and things to do. It's given me a renewed sense of purpose and direction, even though I have NO clue what the next few months or even the next year look like. How long will they actually keep going in-person to school? Will we even have a Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas? So many questions...

Emma has absolutely loved 1st grade so far! Her teacher is awesome and I know all of the teachers and administrators at Longview are doing their very best to make this year as close to "normal" as possible, whatever normal is. She continues to do really well with her daily shots and her last visit with her Endo was great! She's on track to grow another four inches this year! While she's still got a good inch or two over Penny, little sister finally passed her on the scales. Now we get to buy double the clothes in the same size since they can officially share clothes! Next up for E is a hearing evaluation and another heart checkup. Praying everything continues to look perfect!

Penny Rae is on her second week of Early Childhood classes. She has loved them so far! Her teacher is so sweet and all the team teachers just love P! Every day when I pick her up she gets the biggest grin on her face and says "Mama, I didn't cry today!" I think we did a pretty good job hyping it up so that wouldn't be an issue. No tears for me either, but I knew she would be my easy one ;) My heart definitely goes out to the mamas of all those Kindergartners. I don't think I could have handled it this year. I barely handled it last year and I was actually able to walk Emma to class and say a long goodbye! Praying for you mamas.

While the year definitely looked like a bust from the beginning of March, we were actually able to salvage a good roadtrip with the girls and my parents for the 4th of July. We drove to Massachusetts to visit my brother and his family and I really couldn't have asked for a better trip! The girls did AMAZING with the driving and it gives us the confidence to be able to plan more road trips in the future. We got to mark off more states on our travel map so now we're down to just 7 more states to see in the eastern US. After that, we'll start tackling the Midwest and West! Yeehaw!

The summer has been very enjoyable here in Middle Tennessee, although we haven't reached September yet so I should just hold my tongue. Last year we had a late summer but maybe, just maybe, God will grant us a reprieve from sweltering heat and humidity just for this year. Fingers crossed....

With that, we look forward to what God has in store for the remainder of 2020 - double hurricanes anyone? In all seriousness, I know who is in control and no matter what we face in the last four months of this year, He's got this guys! Even if more destruction and disaster await us, it's all part of a bigger plan. We can't see into the future, but He can. 

Trust. Have faith. Live on.

God bless!


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