And Breathe

This past year has felt like the longest breath on the face of the earth. I feel like I'm waiting to exhale once all of this has passed and we can go back to the way things were before:


It won't be the way it was before for a long, long time. Honestly, it may NEVER be the way it was before, but that might not be a bad thing. If 2020 has taught me anything it's to not trust in anything other than God and to take advantage of the moment I'm in because it could (and likely will) change in an instant. 

We've all struggled to adjust this year, but it's something that we have to do if we want to move forward. We can't just wait to see if things will get better. We have to decide that we're going to make it better right now and then do it. It won't be easy, and it will definitely be a repeated daily decision. 

So Joe Biden becomes the President. If you honestly thought that the election process was corruption-free (on either side), you've been living under a rock your entire life. Life is not fair. It never has been. That doesn't give us free license to do whatever we want, but it should give us a reality check into what is actually important in life. If you don't want to live here, move. There's a great big ole world out there just waiting for you to explore if that's your prerogative. I may not have voted for Ole Joe, but I respect the office and responsibilities of the President, regardless of who sits behind the desk, and I love living in America. I will follow the laws of this land as long as they align with the laws of my God.

So Kamala Harris becomes Vice President. I absolutely don't agree with a lot (ok, most) of her stances, but God and this country gave her the freedom to stand for what she thinks is right. That's the beauty of this country when compared to other countries. A woman can stand up and hold the second highest office in our country and use her voice for change. Just because she thinks something is right doesn't make it so, but we can certainly pray for her to seek out wisdom and guidance from God.

We're entering the second/third wave of the coronavirus. It sucks. Things are shutting down again, toilet paper is scarce, and the government is "requesting" limits on gatherings. I get that their motives may be out of concern for the health and safety of people, but at this point, JUST LET PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES! While the virus is nasty, we should still have the right to make our own decision about putting ourselves and others at risk. Remember, I've had it. It wasn't a vacay at the spa, but it wasn't any worse than when I had the flu. And it was over in a matter of days. I know the reactions people are having to it run the gamut from no symptoms to full on intubation in the ICU, but people, we need to be smart about this. We can take precautions and not have to bankrupt the entire small business industry. And if we do kill the small business industry, the answer will NOT be to print more money and throw it out to everyone. Geez. You think there's rioting now....

This week is the perfect time for reflection on blessings. Above everything else, I'm thankful that my trust doesn't lie with scientists or politicians or a business. I'm thankful that I have a hope that is above understanding. Even if things go the absolute worst, and I'm not just talking about having to use one-ply toilet paper because that's all I can find. I'm talking I lose my job, my home, people close to me pass away, I get a terminal illness and am starring down imminent death. The hope I have is in knowing that this is all temporary. All of it. The real rest and comfort is awaiting me in the arms of Jesus. I have confidence in saying that everyone who gets to Heaven will say "the suffering was worth it" but I also have confidence (and sadness in it) that everyone who goes to Hell will say "the fun wasn't worth it".

It's all about perspective.


So bring on whatever else 2020 has to offer for the last month. Bring on 2021, which will most likely be a continuance of 2020 for at least the first six months. Bring on the trials that are perfecting my faith through fire. My God is bigger than this virus. My God is bigger than corrupt politicians and government. My God is bigger than toilet paper shortages and lockdowns. 


Just breathe.

Then pray.

Just pray.


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