One Step at a Time

The past year has been anything but life as usual, but in an effort to keep moving forward, I really want to return to posting the life happenings of casa de Guthrie - just like in the good ole days ;) 

So, what else has been happening besides the obvious craziness that the rest of the world is steeped in? Not a whole lot. The usual cold/sinus season is upon the Guthrie household so our annual quarantine period of trying not to share our sniffles and coughs has commenced. Throw in a few days of trying to get rid of a norovirus that hit three out of four of us, and you've got a "normal" winter here. Hopefully this sick season won't last as long as Covid quarantine, but at this point, my expectations on timelines are pretty much zilch. 

While I enjoyed the couple of snows we got this winter, I'm now FULLY ready for warmer weather and to get out of the house! On days when it's not super cold and windy, I try to get out and go for at least a small walk around our neighborhood with the girls. It's so nice to get fresh air!

The girls are back in school - in person - so there's that bit of good news. Emma actually had to change teachers because there were a number of kids transitioning from online to in-person at the beginning of the year so they had to make another 1st grade class. They took a couple of kids from the other classes so they could reduce all the class sizes and make the transition for the "new" kids smoother. Emma got picked for the new class so it's been another adjustment period. Here's hoping the rest of this year will be uneventful!

Penny has been, well, Penny. She's still really liking school and she can almost write her name out. She can spell it out loud very well, so now her teachers are working on writing out each letter. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever! She still loves to copy whatever Emma is doing most of the time, but she doesn't have any problem having an imagination of her own. She's getting REALLY good at tumbling (with no real training I might add) so I'm really trying to massage our budget to see if we can get her into gymnastics soon. I think it could do wonders for her attention and discipline. She's still very much three (almost four!) and not much holds her attention. I'm really hoping it's an age thing, but we'll see. Apparently her daddy was just the same ;)

So now we're heading into the "Gauntlet of Birthdays" for the next few months. Penny turns four in just 3 days, then Emma will turn seven at the end of March, then it'll be Rory's birthday. I've already filed our 2020 tax return in anticipation that MAYBE we can get our refund soon to help the bank account recover from birthday shenanigans. Here's hoping...

Rory was finally able to get his cast off and is now in a brace for the next little while. He was cleared for physical therapy this week so he'll start that once a week next week. I know he's more than ready to start using his hand and wrist again! He's talked to a couple of other guys who had this kind of injury and surgery and, if it goes similar to their experiences, we're looking at about six more months of healing and therapy before he's back to where he was. This whole experience has taught me one thing - your mind may tell you that you can still do all the things you did when you were younger, but your body will definitely tell you something different! 

Rory has also officially gone back to work at the office. It's been SUPER nice having him at home for the past almost year and I'm not ganna lie - the savings on gas was the icing on the cake. I know he thoroughly enjoyed not having to drive 45 minutes to and from Nashville everyday too. So now I get COMPLETE silence four days a week when the girls are both at school and Rory is at work, although it wasn't too bad having just the two of us here on those days ;)

And with that, we hope everyone is having a quiet and uneventful 2021 so far, and we pray that it continues! Regardless, we'll take this year one step at a time. Ain't nobody got time for 2020 2.0...

God bless!


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