Today I am thankful for....

Being November and the month of Thanksgiving, I've seen a lot of people posting what they're thankful for this took me a minute to connect the whole Thanksgiving/November and the thankful posts ;) It is refreshing to see so many people thankful from everything to being alive to the many wonderful material blessings they have.

Rory and I have cause to be VERY thankful for the latter of those...we just got a new car!!! It was a spur of the moment kind of thing (aren't all of them though?) and probably not the smartest, but we really needed one and this one was such a good deal! We went yesterday afternoon after work to test drive this Toyota Corolla that Rory and I had looked at on Sunday. And wouldn't you know it, we drive it off the lot about an hour and a half later : ) Its a 2010 Corolla S (which means sport....yes!) with only 15,000 miles and a backup camera and navigation system! Of course, Rory was sold when we found out it had a nav system : ) It was a really good deal and by the grace of God (literally!) we could afford it. So we just bit the bullet and got it. I have to say, its a little weird looking at the gas meter and it not moving although we've already driven at least 30 or so miles since last night! My car would have lost half a tank....haha!

On other blessed notes, my parents are leaving today with our preacher and his wife to go to Africa for two weeks! They have the opportunity to meet with brethren down in Mozambique, Africa and strengthen 3 already-established churches there and spread the gospel to others down there! They are very excited and nervous at the same time! Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in Africa so every piece of clothing they are taking, they are leaving so that the people there will have some new clothes. Something I found interesting was that regardless of what the women were wearing during the day, whenever it was worship time, they all have a piece of fabric that they wrap around their clothes to go to church in. Its really nice fabric too (they sent some to Mom and Mrs. Mel). Dad was saying that families down there live off of about $5000 a year...with all me and Rory have, that wouldn't even pay for our house! It really puts into perspective just how blessed we are to live in this country and to have what we do. I can't wait to hear all about their trip when they get back! : )

God bless! 


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