Well, it looks like Rory and I will be postponing our move to Colorado until further notice...Rory will be going back to school this summer, Lord willing! : D He has decided that he wants to finish and get a better job....and I don't blame him! I am so proud of him and I am so excited for him! This does mean, however, that we'll need to stay around good ole Gardendale, AL for the next 2 years...and possibly a postponement on babies for at least that long : / But I am so excited to see what God has in store for us!

He is thinking about getting a degree in Computer Information Systems, which is a broad enough range of study that he'll be able to get just about any business job he wants, and with better pay than the bank : ) He will be continuing to work full-time because his job has WAY better benefits than mine. Plus we have some pretty big expenses that my salary alone won't cover. I'm so excited for him though! : )

All this excitement also might be leftover from this weekend...Will and Audra got married!!! As you read, they are cruisin' down to the Bahama's for their honeymoon :) The wedding was beautiful! The weather was perfect too! God was definitely listening to the many prayers that were going up for no rain! It was a little hot when the sun did come out, but i'll take that over rain any day! It still hasn't hit me yet, but I figure when they get back and I see a ring on Will's finger, it will hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm so happy for them though and I can't wait to see what God has in his will for them!

God bless!


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