As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

Don't you just love this time of year every 4 years?! Presidential candidates deciding what they want to believe based on what will get them the most votes...I find myself recalling Romans 13:1-7 more and more these days. I'm sad but "joyful" when I see what this country may have to endure over the next four years. I'm sad because I see this country falling more and more towards Sodom and Gomorrah, yet I'm joyful because I know that all the persecution that is bound to stem from the left- and right-winged thinkers will ultimately strengthen Christians and lead us to our ultimate goal...God!

I cringe when I think about what my future children will be desensitized to. I know when my parents were growing up, Ricky and Lucy couldn't even sleep in the same bed even though they were married! Now, random premarital and extramarital sex is rampant and no one, myself included sometime, seems to think anything about it. I know that in some instances, desensitization is not all bad. I happen to know a LOT of people who are still extremely racist, even though, racism is, in my opinion, on the decline in a lot of places in this country. Personally, I was raised not to see color. It doesn't matter what the color of someone's skin is; its their heart and their soul that should be the main focus for anyone. It kills me when people use the passage of 2 Corinthians 6:14 to discourage interracial relationships....nowhere in that passage does it say ANYTHING about the color of someone's skin. It says "unbelievers". Just because someone's skin is a few shades darker than mine doesn't make them an unbeliever! Come on people!

Ok, enough ranting about that. I'm wanting to focus on something that IS wrong. Its not my words. Its not my opinion. Its God's. 1 Corinthians 6:9. 1 Timothy 1:10. Leviticus 18:22. Leviticus 20:13. Romans 1:26-27. Homosexuality is CLEARLY condemned in ALL of these passages. I know that there are a few Old Testament passages in there, but I want to reiterate that this has been wrong for a LONG time! Seriously people? Are you that convinced that God doesn't care what you do as long as your happy that you're willing to lose your soul over it? God does want us to be happy. That's why he's laid out for us certain guidelines that we need to follow. Its just like the rules our parents gave us when we were younger....they were meant to keep us safe and allow us to have fun. Do you really think it would have been fun as a kid to put your hands all over a hot stove or in electrical sockets or to play in the middle of a busy street? If you're an adrenaline junky, then I guess, yeah that would have been fun. But it's meant to keep us safe. That's what God is wanting to do. He's wanting to keep your soul safe so that you can join Him when you die. 2 Peter 3:9 shows us that he wants EVERYONE to be safe. There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do that cannot be forgiven, unless of course you don't even believe in God, then you're pretty much screwed, so to speak. Any sin is forgivable in the event that the sinner is willing to repent. Read 2 Peter 3:9 again. There in the last bit is the phrase "that all should reach repentance." Everyone has the opportunity to turn around their life. Everyone SHOULD be willing to turn around their life if they knew exactly what is at stake. We have become so spoiled in this country that everything is just within our reach. We want for nothing. We have WAY too much. We can't imagine anything getting any better, yet we don't even think about how much worse it could get. I heard in a sermon one time that this life is tolerable because we have hope. Hope that one day, everything WILL be perfect. I imagine Hell will be a lot like this world (a few 1000 degrees warmer) but with absolutely no hope. Just imagine if there was nothing to look forward to. Everything kept getting worse and worse and there was no end in sight. No relief. I image that would be Hell, but x1000 worse because the Father of Sin himself will be there to make it worse. I would never wish for anyone to have to experience that for a moment, much less eternity. 

I have a sneaking suspicion that if everyone could get a small taste of what Hell was really like, there would be a lot more people willing to try harder at following the Lord. I don't agree with the president or his cabinet. I am not a bigot or close-minded. My heart is open, but I will not be moved to think that anything contrary to what my God has condemned is right. I am proud to say that "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

God bless.


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