Carrying On

So in my last post, I vented a little about Rory's current job situation. It is still "current" but he has an interview today with another bank so he'll be able to weight his options about what he wants to do.

In other friend Sarah had her little boy yesterday!!! I can't wait to meet Deegan and see the whole little family this weekend! While I'm enjoying some baby time, the guys in my family will be going to a Braves game. I'm not really all that bummed that I'm missing it for a couple reasons: 1) what girl would pass up seeing her friends and a new baby! duh... 2) it will be at LEAST 100 degrees at first pitch (4 pm et) So there you have our weekend. Next week will be pretty awesome too with a day off right in the middle of the week. Is it really July already?! 

Last weekend, we made a trip to Tennessee for my SIL's baby shower. There should be another baby arriving pretty soon ;) She's not due until the first week of August, but my guess is, she won't make it through the end of July :) So I will be an aunt again by the end of the month!!! 

We also have a nice little addition to our least until Friday. We rescued this little guy in the ditch in front of our house Monday night. 

He had a flea collar on and has a bobbed tail so we know he belongs to someone. We've tried just about everything short of printing about a million flyers and posting them everywhere around the city. Apparently, there is an overabundance of cats and kittens in our area so no animal hospital or vets office will take him. We finally called animal control and they will be out Friday to pick him up. I would have loved to keep him, but, as we learned last night, our dog and he do NOT get along. Plus, we just don't have the time or money for another pet. He is pretty freakin' adorable though : ) 

Hope you all have a great last week of June and stay cool!

God bless!


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