School Days

Rory started his fall semester yesterday! He seems pretty optimistic about this semester, as opposed to his summer semester : / He's taking two general studies classes and is actually GOING to class. They're both night classes (blah) but at least he can still keep his full time job and work towards his degree....which he has change btw : ) He is now going to get his degree in architectural drafting! The degree is actually named construction and building science but they have a concentration for computer drafting...which I think he will like because it is still dealing with computers : ) We'll see how long he keeps up with this one ; )

Today is also my 'little' brothers 22nd birthday! Its so crazy because that's how old I am, right?! In all seriousness, I'm not sure how I feel about 26 coming in December....there's not much to look forward to in birthdays after 25. I mean, I'm already getting a discount on my car insurance and I can legally rent a car by myself now, so what else is there? I think I'll start going backwards from now on ; )

I finally got to meet my precious niece, Lola this past weekend! She is so tiny its adorable! I felt like I was holding a baby doll : ) she's almost a month old now and it killed me that it took us this long to go see her! Rory did hold her (he previously said that he would not hold a baby unless it was his) and he looked so natural ; ) Here's hoping...

This weekend I will be headed to Huntsville with my mom to go to a Ladies Bible Seminar that a lady from Virginia is holding. I'm pretty excited about it because she is the 'Kevin Clark' of women teachers (if you don't know who I'm talking about, don't worry. If you do, you should so come hear her!) We'll be having lessons Friday night and most of the day Saturday so I'm pretty pumped! Then next weekend, it will be off to the grandparents for Labor Day weekend! And I can't forget about football! 8 days and counting!!! I've already set up my picks and I'm ready to dominate this year in my dad's picks league ; ) Maybe not, but I'm still excited about football!

In other news, I accomplished something great yesterday....I mowed the lawn for the first time in my entire life! Not kidding! I've never had to do it so I've never learned, so yesterday was a learning experience, to say the least. Granted, I didn't get the WHOLE yard cut...ok so maybe just a small part. Embarrassingly enough, I didn't know that you had to pull another handle to make the lawn mower go into auto-push mode so I pretty much pushed that sucker with brute force all over the side yard. I also didn't know how to lower the deck, so the grass is still pretty high. Rory was laughing all night over it because I told him it took me an hour just to cut half the side yard...I'm thinking maybe I should have learned how to cut grass a long time ago. Anyways, the whole reason I did it was because Rory was in classes all night and wouldn't have time to do it himself until this weekend, and if you have seen my grass, its a jungle a week after you cut it! Needless to say, I'll be giving it another go sometime soon ; ) 

God bless!


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