Week 12 - Jeremiah 29:11

This past week has been much better in terms of pregnancy symptoms....sometimes I even forget! But then little butter bean will quickly remind me by making me super tired or having my blood sugar tank : ) Not even here yet and it's already needy!

This week was eventful! Tuesday, I went on my first business trip. I flew out to Arizona to meet with one of our sales reps to whip them into shape : ) But seriously, they don't like to follow the rules so I had to go out and remind them of the rules and why we have them. Sometime I feel like I should have been a teacher because at least I would have sympathy for 6 year old's that don't get the rules instead of grown adults who don't want to follow the rules. Me and butter bean's first flight left out of Birmingham at 10 am on Tuesday. It was a very small plane that made me a little nervous but it wasn't too bad. 2 hours later we were in Detroit! Even though the city may be having their problems, the airport was super nice! They had a tram inside that would take you to your gate and, trust me, it was needed! Of course, my connecting flight to Phoenix was all the way on the other side of the airport. So, after walking under the tarmac (yes, under!) I emerged right at the tram and was able to get on and ride down past 40 gates to my next flight : ) Then came the lovely 2 1/2 hour wait to actually get on the plane. It wasn't so bad because I had my book and some Starbucks : ) Once we actually got on the flight, it was another 4 hours to Phoenix. By clock standards, it actually only took an hour and a half to get there, but after traveling through 3 time zones, I lost quite a bit of time. It was weird to land and it be 5 pm but my body was screaming 7 pm. Needless to say, butter bean and I were hungry! We were blessed to be able to get some REAL Mexican food (because, you know, Mexico is not so far from Phoenix) and have a good conversation with the super nice guys who had me fly out there.

Wednesday was a little weird too. After passing out at 9:30/11:30, I got some really good sleep and woke up by myself at 6/8. I was feeling pretty good and looking forward to some good food since we were eating breakfast with one of the guys from the rep agency. Halfway through my Belgium waffle, I knew that my body and baby were still on central time and even though it was only 8 am there, my body was telling me it was 10 am and it had been too long since I ate anything : / You know what that means....yep. Surprisingly, the waffle wasn't so bad on the way back up. After losing half of the waffle, I was quick to down the other half. No worries though; we were good the rest of the day. I got to tag along and see what sales guys do all day every day and then had some really good Red Devil pizza and tried not to pull my hair out through my meeting with our rep. It was a good trip all in all and the flights home were pretty relaxing and surprisingly quick : ) Now its just getting re-acclimated to doing actual work and getting my sleep back!

I'm looking forward to 28 more weeks of uneventful bliss : )

God bless!


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