Our first Halloween

Emma is now officially 7 months old and made it through her first Halloween! Undoubtedly, she will see these pictures when she's older and curse my name for making her wear such an adorable outfit ;)

We didn't trick or treat this year due to winter deciding to show up a tad early in Alabama on Friday night, but I'm ok with saving her first real trick or treat until she can carry her own candy bag :)

We still had a great time at JoJo's birthday party/Halloween party and looked like total nerds in our Harry Potter garb! Pictures to come soon, I promise ;)

Saturday was another full day with Emma and me taking a trip up to Ft. Payne with some friends from church to go glass blowing! We actually got to blow our own glass Christmas ornament! I imagine this ornament will have to be put pretty high on the tree to stay out of reach of tiny hands that will surely be into all the Christmas decorations very soon.

Then it was over to our traditional Saturday spot at Momo and Ah's to watch some great football! Emma gave us her first of three epic diapers in a three day span...and it was a sight to see Rory try to hold her legs while I tried to clean her up as much as possible! Try imagining a grown man dry heaving at the mere sight of poop! Such a weeny...In his defense, it was a really bad one. Most babies blow it up the back but my talented child blows her diapers out the front. I've learned to look for the signs so I can try and catch it before it gets all over everything, but like most baby things, it's quite unpredictable. I think I may try just sticking her in the tub and hosing her off next time ;)

We're now looking forward to the real holiday season with lots of family, friends and food! Emma's still working on eating her veggies and she's doing a great job. She tried some carrots tonight and couldn't get enough of them! Let's hope her tastes continue to be this healthy as she grows up :)

The next several weekends will be full and busy with holiday happenings. I look forward to seeing how Emma enjoys her first thanksgiving and Christmas!

God bless!


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