In His Time

In His time, In His time
He makes all things beautiful
In His time
Lord, please show me everyday
As you're teaching me your way
And I'll do just what you say
In your time.

There's no more perfect thing than God's timing! 

Rory and I have been talking about our options regarding moves and where we want to live in the near"ish" future. Still having the Gardendale house was limiting us and with the housing market the way it is, we were preparing ourselves with having to put some work into the house and having it sit on the market for 6 months+. I should know better than to worry about plans because I know God's plans will always be better. Well...we sold our house!!! :D No, we didn't have it on the market. Yes, it sold in just a mere 5 hours! We don't know the couple that bought it personally, but the connections that Rory made at the bank made it possible for us to work through a local real estate agent who was on the lookout for just such a house as ours for this couple and everything fell perfectly into God's plan! We close tomorrow (yes, tomorrow, as in four days after we sold it!) and we could not be more excited! I'm still in shock that it all happened so fast but that was God's plan. Now we'll see what God has in store for us as we save a little money from having NO MORTGAGE!!! Be jealous people ;)

Life has been pretty crazy lately with a toddler now too. She's not walking yet but I really don't think we're far from it. I know I say that every time, but I really do think we're very close! She's basically already walking herself but is afraid to do it without someone's hands for security. I don't mind being needed for a little longer :)

She's now eating three real meals a day with a couple snacks and is eating ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we eat! The only food she doesn't care for is real bananas, but I'm not surprised as they're not my fav either. Now, she will tear up some banana with peanut butter! Lol :) totally my child! We've also almost graduated from a bottle! She's a little stinker because she will drink juice or water from a sippy with a straw, but it has to be with a straw. She refuses to drink milk from a sippy though. She will still drink milk from a bottle, but refuses to drink juice or water from a bottle. I guess I'll pick my battles these days, and this is not one I'll be fighting ;)

Mom and dad are still thoroughly enjoying Georgia (as far as I know) but we'll see what they think of the summers down on the river ;) I have a feeling this summer is going to be a hot one! We hit 80s this weekend and, thankfully, only two days will have rain! It's rained so much the past month that every time I drive up the mountain to our house, I feel like I'm driving into the rainforest! It's seriously the greenest I've seen in a long time and it grew almost overnight! That's what you get living in the deep south. 

We're looking forward to our first beach trip in June too! I haven't been to the beach since I was in college (our honeymoon doesn't count because if you've ever been to a gulf beach, you know any other beach isn't real...). This will be Emma's first beach trip! I'm excited to see what she thinks about the sand and water. I've already been taking advise from mamas who've been to the beach with babies and toddlers so I've got a long list of ideas to try out. We'll see how it goes :) I'm most excited that it will be a week without having to worry about work! Talk about a stressful time...I won't bore you with the details. I know that God has a plan there too so I'll wait to see what He has in mind :)

Hope everyone enjoys a nice sunny week (finally)!

God bless!


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