Time flies when you're having fun...

So it turns out we were hosting more than a tooth troll a couple weeks ago...

Emma got her first case of strep throat :( If she's like her mama, it won't be the last. I had it all the time growing up and was threatened with having my tonsils out before I finally quit getting it. I know she'll be blessed with Rory's and my wonderful allergies, but I was hoping we could dodge that for another year.

Luckily, the tooth troll did make good on his visit and Emma got her seventh tooth last week! Once she was all done with her bubble gum medicine (amoxicillin) and that tooth popped through, she was another child completely! She was back to her normal silly self.

Still no progress on walking but she has graduated to scooting. It's almost like a crab crawl where one leg sticks out and the other is stuck underneath her while she reaches out and pulls herself forward. She's getting really good at it and can move pretty quickly. We've had to put up the baby gates now because the first place she wants to scoot is to the stairs...how do children automatically know where their not suppose to go?!

We spent part of our three day weekend in Columbus, GA visiting Reesee and Pop. E had a great time and was so amazing! She ate great (especially when Reesee was feeding her chocolate chip banana bread) and napped really well too, except for on the way there and on the way back. The girls went flea mall shopping Monday while the guys visited a museum. E got to see a real rooster at the first flea mall but wasn't quite sure what he was all about lol. We found some great deals and only spent a little bit of money, so it was a successful trip!

Our next big adventure is coming up in a week and a half...the beach!!! We're all ready to go and excited to see what Emma thinks about everything! She's not a big fan of cold water so I'm expecting her to absolutely hate the ocean and the sand. Good thing we'll be taking along her mini swimming pool :) we'll be prepared for anything! 

God bless!


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