17 months

Do I really have a 17 month old?! I had to check my calendar twice this morning to make sure I was reading the date right....I'm a month away from officially having a 1 1/2 year old!

Before I go further, let me explain that I have eaten my words, as many first time mothers do. I vowed that I would not be that mom that used months to age my toddler...and I catch myself doing it all the time! But let me explain why: When you have a toddler who is over the age of one, there's so much growing and changing that goes on between the age of one and two. You can't very well say "my child is one" when they're 15 months old because that's almost degrading to your child! They're so much more than one! But you can't say "my child is one and a half" because they're not yet there developmentally. The only solution is to use the month. In Emma's case, month aging is so much more important too because she's so small for her age. She's almost the normal size of a one year old so no one would think anything about it if I said "she's one." But when I say, "she's 17 months", I get a whole different reaction. Mostly stunned and a lot of "oh my, she's so little!", "was she preemie?", and the like.

She's been growing like a weed as of late (which I attribute to the fact that there's not much she doesn't like to eat) and she's learning something new everyday! It still gets me when she runs into my arms when I pick her up from daycare. We're also getting a lot of use out of the phrase "you're ok" when she slips and falls or when she's climbing on something and takes a little tumble. I really think we should install camera's all around our house now because of some of the hilarious slips she's taken! I know, I'm such a mean mom. Don't deny that you think some of your child's falls have been hilarious and totally could have been entered on AFV to win you big bucks. After the initial 15 seconds of concern, Rory and I get a good laugh out of some of her blunders. She did a complete scorpion (per Rory) on the stairs the other day but was fine after a hug from daddy. And for some reason, she finds pouring her juice all over the linoleum floor and playing in it fascinating, but not half as fascinating as standing up and trying to run through it....I'll let you visualize what happens with that one. So far, no scraps or bruises, but there's plenty of time for those.

I got a tad emotional this weekend when I took a peek at my timehop on Sunday. This time TWO years ago, we were announcing the impending arrival of our little 'butterbean'. What the what?! Two years?! It doesn't even seem right that time is going this fast. All of the babies of friends on facebook that I followed way back when I first was pregnant are all turning 2! It won't be long before Emma will be right there....I don't know whether to cry out of sadness or fear!

We starting thinking about Christmas presents for the first time yesterday. I know, we're still 4 months away but you've got to start planning early! I'm going to need all that time to figure out what we're going to get her. I don't have the slightest idea! I know that she'll load up on more toys (great, just what we need) and clothes, but she's already got enough clothes to cover a small army of toddlers and the toys are slowly taking over our den. She's also got enough shoes to make any grown woman jealous of all the options. I guess it will come down to what she NEEDS instead of what she may want. Diapers and wipes are always a good go to :)

We're heading into football season again!!! I am beyond excited for football and all the fun that goes with it! Hopefully, Emma will get to experience her first live football game this year, but we'll see. Rory and his dad will be making some trips to Knoxville and since my parents live a mere 45 minutes away from Auburn, it's only fair that we make at least one AU game this year, with or without Emma. I'm also awaiting the fall weather that accompanies football season. We got a nice preview last week with a few mornings dipping into the 50's. Now we're back in the high 80's...gotta love Alabama 'summer'.

I hope everyone enjoys the last day of August and is looking forward to some football!

God bless!


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