When did I blink?

This weekend was bittersweet for Rory and me...our baby is now officially a toddler!

Emma finally got the courage to let go of the finger and is full on mobile! All that practice with two hands for several months and then practice with one finger for the last month prepared her for the pinnacle of it all on Saturday morning. I've been waiting for it for a long time but until she actually took those steps with confidence, I didn't realize what was really coming. Seeing her get so excited and walk to Rory with no hesitation was too much! I was on the verge of tears all weekend! It's going too fast...

I'm so excited she is walking now because she can be so much more independent (not that she isn't already) but it also means she's not my baby anymore :( She's a real toddler. I felt bad that she decided to get all brave while her daddy was golfing and he missed the first few steps, but there were plenty more where those came from and she's been getting better and better all weekend. Those first three steps towards her music table have now turned into getting from the stairs in the den all the way into the kitchen, which is a long ways even for me!

Our life is about to take a drastic turn. No more being able to put her in one place and sit and relax while she played. No more being able to catch her with ease as she scooted down the hallway. I'm waiting for her to just take of at a run one day when I catch her getting into the toilet paper in the hall bathroom (her favorite place, for some reason). She still hasn't mastered getting from a sitting position to a standing position without some assistance, but that's all a formality at this point. She just looks so grown up now! It's made me catch baby fever all over again...not that I'm reporting anything today :)

Emma has also now started drinking milk again! She won't take it without some chocolate Carnation Breakfast Essentials in there, but we're making major progress. It's getting her dairy, protein and some other vitamins she needs that I'm sure she was already getting from all the food she already eats, but I'm just relieved that she will be getting her dairy needs now. She still eats cheese and yogurt, so I wasn't super concerned, but it makes me feel better that she's branching out from straight juice. I'm not complaining about the juice either because her apple juice keeps her regular ;)

Speaking of, I'm just a little excited that now, since she's walking, we're not far from potty training! The goal is to get her out of diapers before we have another one :) This mama is ready for another one so, naturally, I'm expecting Emma to drag her feet on learning how to use a big potty, lol! We'll see how it goes, but I've heard that girls are much easier than boys. Emma will be the test of that. She's always been on her own schedule and done things on her own time. Perks of having an independent child, I guess. She has show interest in the toilet, just not sitting on it. I may be making a trip to Walmart or Target this week to get a toddler toilet, then we'll see what she thinks of sitting on it to start with.

I don't think I'm ready for this, but I'm going to have to put my big girl panties on and deal with it! My baby's growing up and I'm going to have to enjoy every minute I have. Lord willing, she'll keep growing and changing into a beautiful young lady. It's about to get crazy so hang on!

God bless!


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