18 months

I am still in complete denial that my little stinker is 18 months old...I just had her last month right?!

I know every parent can relate and I can't tell you how often I get the advice "don't blink". It seems like, looking back, everything sped up after high school. Then after college, it sped up again. Then after Rory and I got married (which, to be honest, was only 10 months after college), it hit warp speed. Ever since then, it's, unbelievably, gotten faster! How does it seem to do that?

Emma seems to change a little bit every day, but she gets more fun too! She is full speed ahead these days. She still prefers to be carried around in the mornings (she's not much of a morning person, go figure) and when she doesn't feel like walking or standing, she is a little diva and will go all limp on you. She's still a great eater and will eat just about anything, although her tastes are becoming more picky. Or maybe it's that she's becoming more picky about HOW she eats it. The little stinker will refuse to eat sometimes because the food is not fed to her on a fork (yes, she still gets fed sometimes). She's a pro at using her spoon but hasn't mastered the fork just yet.

She's also testing her boundary's like never before! I'm truly dreading the terrible twos and threes. She is so independent and head strong sometimes that I know I'm paying for my childhood...karma is cruel. I love her to death but I'm missing those days when she just laid there haha! She will throw a fit in a second and give you this look like "what do you think you're doing?". It's so hard not to laugh hysterically when she gives me a look like that but it tests my patience when I pop her and she gives me the same look...oooh boy. She's quick to forgive and forget though, which is a great lesson I need to take from her. One minute she'll be mad at me and the next she's climbing on my stomach trying to give me a raspberry haha! That's her new trick she's learned, btw, and it's absolutely adorable!

She's got 12 teeth now and I expect a couple more any day! She's working on her last molar and drooling all over the place. It doesn't seem to be bothering her too much but she does rub on her ear on that side a little more lately. I suspect that once it comes through, we'll see a whole other speed of Emma! She's up to 16 lbs 14 oz (2 oz away from 17 lbs!) and is about 27 1/2 inches long. I'm pretty sure she's just made up her own growth chart and her doctor says she's right on track with HER curve. I will say it's been nice that she's been able to wear her clothes for so long. She's been through a few growth spurts where she blew right through a couple sizes, but for the most part, she's been able to wear just about every piece of clothing in her size several times. I've gotten the hint from other moms that that is a rarity with babies. I'll take it!

She's also figured out what the doctor is all about. I tried to remember back to when I was little and how I felt about the doctor. And honestly, until I was old enough to appreciate just how much better shots are at getting the meds in faster, I hated the doctor too. I always dreaded going because it could result in a shot. She's my little mini-me. It was almost hysterical to watch when the nurse called her name to come back how her entire demeanor changed. She got really concerned and started to cry...and that was just going back to get weighed and measured. Every nurse that walked in the exam room after that elicited the same reaction. When the doctor came in, she almost couldn't contain all of her fear and emotions! She cried when he checked her ears and when he checked her breathing and heart but as soon as he stopped, she was good as gold. Then when the nurse walked in with the actual shots (she only had to get two), she fell apart completely. I was waiting on the breathless cry she usually gets when they actually stick her, but there was no breathless cry because she was already hysterical! Poor baby...Of course, as soon as we got into the car, she was fine and even fell asleep. I have a feeling she'll take after her Uncle Will with her disdain for needles.

It's finally fall, y'all! I'm SO excited for boot weather and this weekend will be perfect for that! Highs in the 60s and lows in the 50s! The rain can go but I'm excited about those temps boy! Real football weather! Let's hope it will be a good weekend for some football and no more disappointing displays by my Auburn Tigers. I know we stink, but we can't be great every year. Hopefully we'll be much better next year so Emma can enjoy looking adorable in her Auburn dress and cheerleaders outfit!

Hope everyone is enjoying the start of October and this amazing fall weather!

God Bless!


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