Unpredictable and Unscripted

Well our anniversary week wasn't exactly what Rory and I had envisioned, but it was life, unpredictable and unscripted.

It started out rocky with me getting sick on Monday, but we were optimistic that it was just a 24 hour bug and that we were being cautious enough with Emma that she wouldn't get it and our week would be back on track on Tuesday. Wrong. Tuesday met us with Emma getting sick and the beginning of the sickest that she's ever been. To say that my heart broke for my little girl would be an understatement! I wished every second that I could trade places with her. She ran a 101+ fever from Tuesday afternoon through Friday afternoon. The first day didn't seem to phase her much but by Thursday morning, she was exhausted.

Rory was able to stay with her on Tuesday while I returned to work for a day and then I stayed with her on Wednesday, along with a trip to the doctor. My mom was gracious enough to come stay with her on Thursday and half the day on Friday since she was still running a fever. The results from the doctor didn't give us much incite into what was going on other than it was viral (aka you have to let it run its course). They guessed that it might have been what I briefly had on Monday but she caught an extra bad dose of it (even though she only got 'sick' once). At any rate, her fever finally broke on Friday evening and we were looking forward to a quiet and recuperating weekend. Wrong again.

With the broken fever then came a runny nose and a nasty cough. Great. Emma's already had croup once so when the cough started sounding like a bark, I cringed. At the same time, I breathed a sigh of relief because we knew how to combat this. Sunday was another busted day of worship so I called the doctor and they called in a steroid for E. And just like that, the old Emma showed back up. She was running around and playing like she'd never been sick. Her cough went away and her nose stopped running...for the night. Sunday night did give us a reprieve from waking up every few hours to soothe her and put her back to sleep, so we couldn't complain.

Monday was another day of trying to recoup but between our first brief visit to the library and then seeing great grandparents and meeting great great aunts and uncles, E had very short naps that made for a VERY cranky toddler. She threw one of her most epic tantrums in the car yesterday afternoon - we're talking real screaming, kicking, crying, squirming to get out of her car seat, more screaming, and even almost choking herself with her own spit! This did not give me a good feeling about what two years old will be like. She did calm down once we got back home and didn't fight me at all when it was time for bed. She even had, dare I say, FUN in the bath! She is not a water baby and does not care for water to be in or near her face so bath times are a struggle in the Guthrie house. She shook her head no when I asked if she was ready to get out of the bath, which she's usually climbing out of the bathtub before I can grab her towel! : ) After another good nights sleep, we're optimistic that this week will be a sick-free week!

Our actual anniversary day was not too bad, minus having a sick kid. We were glad that her fever finally broke and we were on the road to getting better. Since we couldn't take our pre-planned trip to Firebirds, we decided grilling our own steaks at home was the next best thing. 

Couple that with a great movie (Cinderella, which is AMAZING btw!) and you have a pretty great night...until 11:45 when E woke up the first time. It was a fight for about an hour and a half to get her comfortable and back to bed and then it was up again around 5 to soothe her again. I joked with Rory that enough nights of that would make me want to just have another one right now so we can get the exhaustion and delirium out of the way. We were thankful that God had blessed us with five amazing years together, whether its what we picture or not. Having little miss E has just made life that much more exciting and blessed! I can't wait to see where we'll be in another five years!

I will add that Rory's weekend was made all the more amazing since Tennessee shocked and awed everyone by beating Georgia. I was happy that they pulled out a big win, for Rory's sanity ; ) Now we'll have to see how the rest of the season goes for the Vols (and hopefully, the Tigers can pull out a winning season too). I hope everyone enjoys another beautiful week of October and a southern fall.

God bless!


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