One to go

We are officially paci free! :D

Emma did great for her first weekend without the paci! Although, she was more clingy than usual, which could have been the result of one of many things that transpired over the weekend:

Friday night was night #1, and she did fantastic! She looked in every nook and cranny in her crib to find her paci as I was explaining that pacis are for babies and she was a big girl now, to which she responded with her big tear-filled brown-eyed puppy dog face and shook her head no. I almost lost it from the cuteness and pitifulness! Once she was satisfied that paci was nowhere in her crib, she settled for a blankie bear and a book and didn't whine any more than she normally does. Success!

Saturday morning started off well with a rested toddler who scarfed down a hearty waffle for breakfast. Things quickly took a turn when she slipped on the linoleum kitchen floor and busted her lip. I thought her mouth was never going to stop bleeding! In the back of my mind (and I'm sure in hers), I knew that paci would help her to calm down, but we were too far gone to turn back now. The rest of the day, her mood went back and forth between content and clingy, with the majority of the time being clingy. We spent the afternoon with Momo and Eli at the church building, Chili's and then Walmart. By the time we got to Walmart, she was so over the day. Saturday night was a turn to the good though. She got bear and deer (we call things by what they are) and settled in for her bedtime book and only whined for about 5 seconds when I walked out.

And to explain the whining part, Emma has been able to put herself to sleep since she was about 6 months old so our bedtime routine is a book, a prayer, a song and then I walk out whether shes asleep or not, which 99% of the time is not. Since she's become more aware of the fact that Rory and I are not immediately going to bed when she does, she's afraid that she'll miss out on something so she usually whines for a minute or two to see if we'll come get her. Sometimes it's louder whining if there are other people at the house...such a stinker ;)

Sunday was a not so good start. She woke up not as rested and crying and nearly fell asleep on my shoulder when I picked her up out of her crib. Breakfast was much of the same. She sat in a kind of trance in her highchair while Rory gave her a pop tart. Once in the car, she was out for the ride to worship. Once at worship, she sat in the same trance for a little bit until bible class and then she perked up some. As the day progressed, she became more awake and active and by the time Sunday evening rolled around, she was her normal silly crazy self, along with only having a 15 minute nap all day. She, again, went to sleep without a fight Sunday night so I count this weekend as a success for our first transition to big girl-dom!

Our next test will be starting potty training this weekend :/ I have struggled with how I wanted to tackle this hurdle since I work outside the home and most advice and suggestions I've seen are to pick a week when you can devote every day all week to working with your kid. Since I don't have a week, I have been waiting for a long 3 day weekend when we don't have plans where I can start Friday and work with her all weekend. Since Martin Luther King Jr Day is Monday, this is the perfect weekend to start. I'm a little nervous but I know that she's ready. She's been showing all the signs for months and since Rory will be on a hunting trip, there'll be less distractions and we can work on focusing on potty time! I just pray it comes as easy as this last hurdle and I'm getting all nervous for nothing! Updates to come next week...

God bless!


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