
As the holiday weekend has come to a close, I don't know that we're any closer to having a potty trained toddler, but having nothing to compare our experience with, who knows.

Emma did very well (to me, anyways) and seems to have grasped the general concept, for the most part. Saturday was our hard day. I went with the naked method and let her spend the whole day running around the house naked. I started out sitting her on the potty every 15 minutes but then realized she wasn't drinking enough to need to go near that often so I moved it to every hour. She actually went about 2 1/2 hours between her first couple of times but each time she would pee on the floor. Granted, each time was closer to the bathroom than the previous one but it was slow going. I FINALLY got her to go on the potty Saturday night after sitting there for what seemed like an hour (it was really about 15 minutes).

Sunday was a whole different experience since she had actually been on the potty once. I wanted to see if she would go in a public restroom so she wore training pants to worship Sunday morning. After unsuccessfully attempting to get her to potty three times during worship, I gave it up and put a diaper on her since I was teaching a different bible class and didn't want her to pee in her training pants during her class. We then went out to eat with some friends and finally grocery shopping. Once we got home, I took her diaper off for her to go naked for the remainder of the afternoon again and discovered that she had held it the whole morning! When the diaper was off, she ran to the bathroom and was trying to figure out how to get up on the big potty lol. She only peed a little bit beside the toilet while waiting for me to put her on the big potty and then she let the bottom fall out lol! I counted that as a major success because she had held it nearly 4 hours so a minor mess up while waiting to get on the potty is no biggie for me. Sunday night we put her back in her training pants for evening worship and she held it again until we got home. She fell asleep on the way home this time so I put a nighttime diaper on her thinking she was going to stay asleep for the night, but she woke up almost immediately when I laid her in her bed. So we got up and got some supper and while waiting for supper, she peed in her diaper and you would have thought the whole world had fallen apart! She kept whining and pointing to her diaper so I took her to the bathroom and she fell apart when the diaper came off. She was so upset that she had peed in her diaper and not the potty, but was okay when I let her flush the toilet like she had peed in the potty. This made me very encouraged that maybe she was really getting it.

Monday was a holiday for me for MLK so we had a girl's day just chilling at the house. I put her in training pants since she had been doing so well with the naked method but she kept pulling the pants off. So we had another semi-nude day. She reverted some and peed in the kitchen floor first but was able to stop it as soon as she looked at me and I ran her to the bathroom. Once she would get on the toilet, she would let it all out and then clap for doing so good. She still was not interested in any candy for going to the potty so I think I'll be making a calendar for stickers instead. We ran a few errands yesterday afternoon and again, she held it until we got back home. I'm a little concerned that she may not want to pee in public, which is not such a bad thing, but if she holds it for long periods of time every time we go out, that's not so good. We'll be working on that. She did pee on me when we got back home yesterday evening but it was only a little and then once I got her to the potty, she was golden. She's been able to pee in her little potty AND the big potty. She doesn't really have a preference on which one, which I see as a good thing.

She's wearing training pants at daycare today but I let Ms Cindi know that she also had diapers just in case they wanted to take the easy road for right now. I'm encouraged by how well she's doing right now with it all but I'm also keeping in mind that she could revert back at any moment and act like she's never used a potty. My prayer life has grown a good bit this weekend and will likely continue for the next several months while Emma continues to grow into a big girl. I'm ready but I'm not....

In other good news, Emma's new friend Cooper was born today! Congratulations to Adam and Monica on baby boy #2! We can't wait to meet Mr. Cooper Daniel!

Hope everyone had a good weekend and stayed warm!

God bless!


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