Catch-up Time!

So I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. Life seems to be on fast forward with a toddler!

In my last post, we were starting potty training...well that didn't go so hot so we're back in diapers for the time being. She can still tell us AFTER she's gone tee tee or pooped, but that's where we had the most frustration. We're still doing what we can to encourage her to realize when she needs to go to the bathroom and what to do on the potty by taking her with us when we go. I read an excerpt from an e-book (I didn't have the money to spend on the whole thing so just reading the first page was what I could get...don't judge) that pretty much put things into perspective for me from just that one page. When your child is learning something new, it's not necessarily a trait that they could pick up on their own with no help (like breathing, chewing, etc); it needs to be learned. When anyone is learning something new, you have to be shown or taught. Enough showing and practice eventually leads to learning the new trait and then it's not new anymore! The same goes with potty training. It's not something that comes naturally. In fact, I don't know about you, but if all I had to do was pee into a big diaper and then someone would just change it for me, I wouldn't want to use the bathroom either! Hence, why it's difficult to teach toddlers how to STOP doing that. But enough example and practice of trying it will eventually get you to learn something new.

Sounds easy, huh? Yeah, well, easier said than done, I'm afraid. I'm trying not to get too anxious for Emma to be potty trained but it would save us so much more money not to buy diapers every month! Also, I'm enjoying watching her grow up and learn new things! I'm not complaining about not having to ask her 100 times if she has to go tee tee though! Lol I know that the only thing that she hasn't gotten yet is knowing to tell us BEFORE she goes to the bathroom. And before you start thinking about the 'every 20 minute' rule, know that we've tried that too. And the no pants method. And the moving the potty into the living room. That was a major fail because the one time I did that, she ran into the bathroom and peed in the floor right where her potty would have been...yeah that made me feel real smart. The problem with all of the other methods of taking her to the potty every so often doesn't work because she doesn't use the bathroom with that kind of frequency. She's good to pee 4 times a day! We'll get it eventually though :)

In other news, Emma has been inducted into the girls club...she's worn foam curlers twice now! The first time was a half success with half of the curlers surviving the night. And her hair actually held the curl so perfectly! Of course, but noon, it was stick straight again. The second time was a complete bust. I used bigger curlers, which may have been the reason for none of the curlers surviving through the night. We'll try again in a couple of weeks with the smaller curlers to see if they stay better.

Rory's gearing up for his first business trip to Arkansas next week and we'll miss him something terrible! But it's only until Wednesday and I know that the information he'll learn will be very beneficial. Emma and I will be visiting Momo, Eli and Cooper a good bit while he's gone so we won't get too lonely :)

We're three weeks away from having a two year old also! How is that even possible?! She already acts like a two year old most of the time (and it's pretty terrible) so I doubt there'll be much of a difference once she is officially two. She's been trying to talk a good bit too. Her vocabulary still primarily consists of Emma-babble that doesn't sound like anything recognizable but every now and then, she'll surprise us with something close to English. Her little boyfriend Eli is speaking a lot these days and is three months older than her so I imagine in the next few months, she'll start talking for real and then I'll really be a basket case for how big she's getting. For now, this is her vocabulary that we've been able to decipher:

baba (mama)
there we go
See (Steve, her new stuffed wolf, and yes, she did name him herself)
da (this is whoever is standing the closest that she wants to get their attention)
go (this is actually "no")
ruff ruff (dog and also when you ask her what a dog says)
ooo (when you ask her what a cow says)
cack cack (when you ask her what a duck says)
aw (when she sees something cute...not kidding)
eow (when you ask her what a cat says)

She'll try and mimic what we're saying when we tell her to repeat a word or phrase back to us and sometimes, it's close, but most of time, it's not even in the ballpark. She will definitely be a talker and I'm afraid she's going to be that kid who's name is called all the time to be told to be quiet :/

Life's definitely not boring and even though there's not a lot going on, she's more than we need most days to keep things interesting! Hope everyone is having a great week and has a good weekend!

God bless!


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