A New Emma

Emma is now a new kid! In some ways, it's been good, but in others, not so good.

Emma's surgery on Thursday went great! She didn't have a come-apart like I thought when they took her back; instead, I was the one that cried like a baby. It's hard enough knowing that your baby is about to be cut on, but it's even harder when she has no idea what's about to happen and you do! She was, of course, skeptical of everyone who walked in the room and watched everyone closely to see if they would hurt her. The nurse assured us that there would be no poking until she was completely asleep. I can only imagine how she reacted to the anesthesia mask!

Dr. Kulbersh was back in our room telling us how well she did a mere 30 minutes after she was taken back! I was thankful for how quick it was but knew that the recovery would be the hardest part for all of us. The poor thing was so hoarse when they brought her back and was not at all happy about being woken up. Her breathing was a little croupy when they were done so the anesthesiologist recommended a breathing treatment in the recovery room. Since Emma's never had one and the only time she's ever seen a mask was just prior to surgery, she was not very cooperative. She did do better when the nurse took the mask part off and it was just a tube. We could instantly tell a difference (where was this when she had the croup about 5 times before?!) and Emma seemed to calm down a good bit after that, but only until the next doctor or nurse came in to check on her. I could only laugh to keep myself sane! If they would have let her calm down for more than 5 minutes, she would have gone back to sleep and been a perfect patient. Oh well. After the breathing treatment and some benadryl, she was still running a slight fever and had a high heart rate (probably from all the freak outs) so they monitored her for an additional 20 minutes. Once the anesthesiologist was satisfied that her temp was on the way down, we were good to go. Emma was a hot mess and her breath definitely smelled that way! We had been warned that it would be a little rank but there was no amount of warning that would have prepared us for the real thing. It's still pretty bad now but thankfully, I don't have a weak stomach with smells. Rory does though ;)

Once back at home, she started to perk up, and by the evening, she was ready to go! I had to go back into work the afternoon after the surgery but Emma was well cared for by her daddy, Reesee and Pop. She was so worn out that she slept great Thursday night but was up early the next morning just jabbering in her crib. That's nothing out of the ordinary so we were excited that she was bouncing back with such ease! We should have known better...

Reesee and Pop left on Friday to go back home so it was Emma and daddy day on Friday. They went shopping most of the day and E was worn out again. But this time, instead of just crashing her in crib and sleeping all night, she woke up three times crying and needed Motrin at about 2 am to finally get settled and sleep the rest of the night, or at least until 7 am Saturday.

Saturday was pretty much the same as always, but add on a fussy, clinging two year old. She was cuddly all day, which I knew meant she didn't feel well. I was fine with the cuddling because it meant that I could do nothing all day too, which was good since all of us were exhausted from the night before. She did perk up that evening when we all went to Peyton and Anna's graduation party. She found a friend at the party and was running around and playing pretty much the whole time. I was hoping that it would wear her out again and she would sleep better Saturday night since Sunday was going to be a long day for us all! To no avail...we'd given her some medicine before she went to sleep thinking that might help her get comfortable from the beginning and sleep through the night. She woke up only a couple of times Saturday night and would get herself back to sleep after a few minutes. That didn't mean that I didn't wake up every time though.

Sunday was another early morning with Emma up at 6:15. I went ahead and got her up and brought her to our bed to see if she would go back to sleep, but now that she knew I was "up", it was play time. I brought her in the shower with me since she hadn't had a bath for a few days and then it was a whirlwind to get ready for worship. We only stayed for about 30 minutes and then had to leave to drive up to Tennessee. Rory's grandmother passed away Thursday and the funeral was Sunday afternoon. We had gone back and forth on Saturday trying to decide if we wanted to go up then or wait until Sunday. In hindsight, we should have gone up Saturday. The drive up was somewhat uneventful. Emma fell asleep in the car for about an hour but then was mostly inconsolable until we got there. Once we reached the funeral home though, she found her cousin, Lola, and was in a perfect and playful mood, at least until we got back in the car that evening. On the way home, she only slept for 30 minutes and then was inconsolable until we got home.

Sleep last night was almost exactly the same as Saturday night; up a few times at 1 and 4 but she would put herself back to sleep. This time, I had to go in and wake her up at 7 to get ready for the day so maybe we're making some progress! It's only been a semi-rough last few nights so I really shouldn't be complaining, but after having her sleep all night since she was about 6 months old, it's been rough. I also know that she's still in recovery and probably will be for at least another week and a half before she's 100% again. Until then, I'll just pray for patience and maybe a nap or two lol!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I'm looking forward to a three day weekend coming up!

God bless!


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