How are the Guthrie's?

Emma has now been to speech three times and it is going so well! She's making so much progress in just a short amount of time so I'm very optimistic about her catching up with where she should be expressively.

Since it's been a while since I updated everyone of the happenings in our little family, I'll give a brief rundown of the last few weeks.

We had a great memorial day weekend and Emma went to her first aquarium! We decided the Friday night of Memorial Day weekend that we were going to load up with the Gamble's and head over to Atlanta on Saturday. Bright and early Saturday morning we loaded up four adults and three kids and made the three hour drive to Atlanta. All the kids did so great! For at least one time during the trip, all three were asleep! You can't pray for a better blessing! While waiting for our time to go into the aquarium, we took a tour of Centennial Olympic Park and even saw Princess Belle there! (I know, random)

Emma loved all the fish once we got into the aquarium. She was so excited to see so many different animals and we even got to watch a sea lion show that was new! We didn't realize that the tickets were all encompassing for all of the shows so we didn't make it to the dolphin show, but next time, we'll be sure to hit that up first.

After the aquarium, we decided to visit IKEA since I was the only one that had never been. Oh. My. Goodness. I could have bought everything in there! I did good and only bought one $3 set of chip clips, although I do plan on saving and going back soon! I took some pictures to share with my parents on some ideas for the kitchen makeover and was in designer heaven looking at all the kitchen models they had set up!

We eventually had to leave IKEA (although I could spend an entire weekend in there alone!) and headed over to Shake Shack to get a burger. We were all so excited to go since we fell in love with the Shake Shack in NYC five years ago. It was just as amazing in Atlanta! From now on, no trip to Atlanta will be complete without a visit there.

Back at home, we were all exhausted and crashed for the night. Sunday morning found Rory and I less than willing to get up with horrible headaches, so we stayed in for the morning. By the afternoon, we were both recuperated and even took on the task of getting Emma's big girl bed out of the attic and setting it up for her! She's now officially a big girl! She slept so good in it Sunday night and has done fair in it since then.

Monday was a day of relaxation and some fun when we joined some friends for a grill out in Gardendale. It was quite warm, but to say that now is just silly. I would take THAT "warm" over the current "warm" we are having any day! Emma got to wear the cute smocked dress that Cori Hambric made her from when she was a baby. It fit nicely as a top this year with her shorts. I don't know that we'll be able to get any more use out of it going forward, but it's still super cute!

E also got to stay a few days at the farm that week while her daycare lady attended her grandchild's kindergarten graduation in Florida. With that also came an impromptu photo session with Aunt Tonya. I seriously fall in love with every picture she takes of Emma! Just have a sneak peek for yourself...

We made a trip up to Tennessee the next weekend to visit with my MIL and SIL. Emma nearly gave us a scare on the way up when she fell asleep in her car seat and woke up and wouldn't move her neck. She would scream every time we tried to lift it up for her to sit up straight and I was almost in panic mode. We decided once we got close to Arlene's house for me to just get in the back and hold her. Once she was out of her seat, it was a magical recovery and she was back to her normal silly self. It didn't take Rory and me long to realize that she wanted out and was going to try anything to get out of her seat, including screaming and scaring her parents half to death. The rest of the trip was uneventful and relaxing. We came back home Saturday night because Rory's serving on the Lord's Supper table on Sundays and we didn't want to have to get up super early Sunday morning to make the long drive back.

Last week was another busy week getting stuff ready for a multi-family yard sale that one of my friends was having at her house in Corner. I was able to find a lot of junk that just sits and collects dust to sell and I made a few dollars to buy Emma a new life jacket for the beach (which is next week, btw!). It even helped us to be able to "clean" the dining room out more so that it might actually be able to be used as a dining room! Imagine that!

Over the past couple of weeks, Emma has regressed in her sleep and I'm not sure if it's due to the fact that she knows she can get out of bed by herself now or what. This morning was the first time in almost 2 weeks that I had to go in and wake her up at 7 am! Usually, Rory and I are met at the door with little eyes and little fingers poking over her gate. It's super cute but somewhat annoying when I haven't even had my shower yet! She's also 100% my child and I am paying for my childhood. I was always the one to be out of bed at night when I was a kid. I would get my brothers in trouble convincing them that it's fun to get out of bed and play at night. Emma has had to be spanked twice for being out of the bed after bedtime. The first time, she decided that she wanted to do some late night reading and was pulling all of her books off the shelves in her room. When she heard me call her name, she ran and jumped in her bed trying to pretend like she wasn't out of bed. I immediately pictured a smaller version of myself and had to hold back from laughing hysterically! Last night was the second time and she was more mad at the fact that I was making her get in bed early (7:30) and wanted to stand at her gate and whine instead of laying in her bed and whining. After a swift pop to the bottom, she was back in bed and was asleep within 5 minutes. I know that won't be the last time and I almost think it's God's way of providing a little comic relief during the difficult parenting times, to see your kids do the exact things you did.

So back to the update on Emma's therapy. Emma absolutely LOVES her speech therapist and I love her too! She's so sweet and Emma is constantly acting out and being silly during her sessions, but it shows just how much she's learning too. She learned a new word last week, scare, and is now starting to put together 2 and 3-word sentences! We can only understand them sometimes but it just goes to show how much she's changing! She's also saying her m, p and b sounds much better but still has trouble putting them into words correctly. In time, though. She also shared something new with all of us on Friday night when we went to spend an evening with Will and Audra and Curt. We were playing a hilarious round of Fibbage and were all rolling with laughter when I see Emma throw her head back mimicking laughing and then start slapping her knee. It was just about the cutest and funniest thing I've ever seen! I wish I would have caught it on video then, but she continues to do it so I'm sure I'll catch it at some point.

As time seemingly speeds up, I am trying to soak up every minute I can with E. I'll look back at timehop pictures from just one year ago and it blows my mind how much she's changed in just one short year! Even though she can throw some epic terrible two tantrums, her personality and the sheer joy she brings to Rory and me far outweigh the bad times. She is so silly and animated. She loves babies (dolls or real) and is so tender-hearted but at the same time, strong and independent. She's far from fearless (as she now puts her hand over her mouth and says "scare" when something scares her) but she is definitely not one that can be taken advantage of. She's very observant and will watch other kids before jumping in to do something, but if it's something she wants to do, she's all in. I really feel like she has all of the best qualities of both Rory and me. She's very smart and picks up on things quickly but she's reserve about making the first move. That would be me. She's not afraid to voice when she doesn't like something. That's Rory. I love watching her grow and change everyday and I get excited to see what she'll do or say or learn next.

We'll see how she likes the beach this year. Last year was a no-go on the sand and the ocean (pretty much, the beach in it's entirety) but I'm hoping that since she can walk and play this year, she'll like the beach. I have a suspicion that the sand won't be her favorite. She's a very clean kid and doesn't like for there to be stuff on her that she has to clean off, so the sand should be interesting. But this year her boyfriend and some other friends will be together the whole week so maybe they'll give her some courage to have fun and enjoy the beach.

So now we're in countdown mode...t-minus 4 days till we leave for the beach!!! I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week and stays cool!

God bless!


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