Shock and Awe

So can I just say that the Lord's timing is always perfect? I can only imagine how God felt hearing me constantly pray for another baby over and over again. And then when I got all upset and bent out of shape that my body was going cuckoo and it would probably mean that it would take me longer to get pregnant, I can see him chuckling to himself and rolling his eyes at me. I should know better.

I've seen time and time again that God is faithful. He knows his plans are better than mine, and I know his plans are better than mine. So why do I constantly doubt?! I try my best to remind myself that I need to just relax because God's got this. Even if something tragic (in my head or by the world's standards) happens, God's still got this. His timing is perfect. Nothing that I go through is too big or too small for me to take to God. What I may see as big is minuscule to God. His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

First, let me start by saying that since my body has been crazy since coming off BC in November, it was nearly impossible for me to pinpoint when and if I should take a test. It was almost as if I was back in high school and I may or may not have a period for a couple of months. I've kept the pregnancy test companies in business since January! I guess I've just gotten so used to being regular with BC. So naturally, since I hadn't had a period since April and had already talked to my doctor and had blood drawn and been told I hadn't ovulated when I was suppose to, I was looking to the next cycle for us to really start trying (If you couldn't already tell, I really want another baby). So when I decided to have my hair dyed for the summer, I took a test just to make sure before I had my hair done. No was negative. So I blissfully went and dyed my hair.

A week later, after I've been experiencing some pretty bad cramps for several days and STILL haven't started, I'm sitting on the toilet one morning and just decide out of sheer curiosity to take another test. Shock and was POSITIVE! I started shaking uncontrollably and had this stupid grin permanently affixed to my face. I could not believe that after this whole two months of being told "not happening" by pretty much everybody (including myself), God was saying "it's happening"! I rushed to the bedroom door to try and catch Rory before he left and he was actually on his way back in the door. I showed him the test and he immediately got the same grin on his face and bear hugged me for what felt like forever! The first thing in both of our minds was, of course, was it ok that I dyed my hair?! I called the nurse once I got to work and she was more excited for me than I was! She reassured me that it was totally fine that I had dyed my hair and sounded shocked herself that I had been having those issues just a mere month and a half ago and here I was, pregnant on my own (well, by the grace of God, of course)! No medicines, no help from anyone else besides the Almighty! Again, God's timing is perfect.

So now, here I am, pregnant. According to normal "due date calculators", I'm 8 weeks as of June 17th but I'm guessing I'm more like 5 weeks. We'll see when I have my first OB visit on the Monday we come back from the beach. I can't wait!!!

For now, this pregnancy is already completely different from my first. My boobs are so sore that simply walking is almost excruciating! I already have nausea but no morning sickness, thank goodness. I'm sure that will come later. I also have headaches almost permanently. And I'm tired. Like all the time. Seriously. Can I just skip this trimester and move on to the next one? That's the most fun anyways :)

God is so good. He is so so good. Look out world! Baby Guthrie #2 is on it's way!

God Bless!


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