17 Weeks

The long-awaited energy continues this week and I am so thankful for it! The past week hasn't necessarily been hard, but life just seems to be in fast forward mode and it's hard to stop and catch my breath sometimes.

Miss Penelope Rae is continuing to do great. I can feel her moving a lot more now and I'm anxiously awaiting for when she's big enough for me to start recognizing body parts that are pushing on my belly. Speaking of which, my belly feels HUGE right now. I know a good portion of it is still bloating but I find it increasingly hard to find pants that are comfortable to wear. I tried to even go and find some maternity pants at the store and was reminded very quickly just how uncomfortable those can be. I hate how the maternity jeans seem to sag in all the wrong places while hugging your belly. I think I'll just stick to my belly band and unbuttoned regular pants for now. It'll be cooler soon enough and I can wear my leggings, tunics and boots all the time :)

I am continuing to take my Diclegis, just because I have some left. I looked back at my blog when I was pregnant with Emma and at this point, I was all out and doing fine. I'm sure I would be just fine to stop, but why pay $40 for a months-worth and not finish them?! I still have some major aversions to certain foods: hot dogs, - although I ate one the other day because that's what some friends' made and I was brought up to be polite and eat what is served - most kinds of red meats, ranch-seasoned meats, and pastas. I can still eat some of those items, depending on how they're cooked, but for the most part, I stay away from them. It's sad, because those are usually some of my favorite things to eat, but alas, I'll deal with it for the little while that I'm pregnant and hope that the aversion stops once Penny is here.

In other news, we officially have a potty-trained toddler!!! Emma has gone a whole week with one accident (and it was really my fault because I didn't believe she really had to go) so we are rejoicing in the fact that we have a momentary reprieve from buying diapers! She's not night trained, but I haven't been big on pushing that just yet. She's still too short to climb on the potty by herself, and to be honest, she's still too short to climb out of bed without using her step-stool. Speaking of, we had a first last night - Emma fell out of the bed. She's very much a roaming sleeper and never wakes up in the same position that she fell asleep in, much less in the same spot on the bed. I woke up out of a dead sleep at 4 am this morning to her crying and walk in to see her standing in front of her step stool with her pillow positioned precariously on the edge of the bed above her step stool. My theory is that she moves her pillow with her some nights and last night, she decided she wanted to sleep on the end of her bed and slowly kept backing her way to the side of the bed without the barrier until she slid right off the side of the bed, feet-first. Her cry wasn't a hysterical "I've toppled head-long off the bed" cry and she didn't have any bumps or bruises on her head this morning, so I'm going with the feet-first theory. Once I got her settled back in bed, my still-half-asleep self walked right through the baby gate on her door and nearly woke up the whole house. I decided at that point that we are moving the gate to the top of the stairs in preparation for night training (and because I don't want to trip over it half asleep again and really hurt myself and Penny).

I also have a confession to make; I still have this nagging feeling that peanut isn't a Penny...even though I KNOW we got tons of ultrasound pictures to be certain that peanut is a Penny. I can't explain it but I just find myself dragging my feet to decorate or buy girl things so she won't have all hand-me-downs because I just have this feeling. I know I will love peanut regardless! We have another ultrasound with my doctor in three weeks so we'll have further confirmation then. Rory's still holding out hope ;)

With everything else, I figured I didn't have enough going on. I'm also teaching a ladies bible class this fall :) it's my first bible class to teach with ladies who are all ages! I've taught little kids classes and done a few devotionals but this is my first ongoing class I've taken on with older, wiser ladies :) I've only had one class but I feel like it went well. My main goal is to teach the truth so I pray that I can do just that!

With football getting going, Rory and I are gearing up to go to our first game next weekend in Knoxville! Hopefully we'll find some good ticket prices between now and then...psh yeah lol!

Hope everyone is enjoying some of the cool down that we're having this week (from 90s to high 80s). 

23 weeks to go!

God bless!


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