26 weeks...already?!

I am exactly 3 months away from meeting my second daughter...and its starting to get real!

I started washing baby clothes this weekend and it makes me want her here so bad! I remember Emma wearing all of these tiny outfits and I remember how adorable she was (not that she isn't still adorable!) and I can't wait to see Penny in these same little outfits! Believe me, though; she'll have a few of her very own that Emma either didn't get to wear or that she's had bought by her already-adoring fans (mostly, her Aunt Tonna, for now). I've tasked Rory with painting the nursery after we move the last few lingering things of junk out of there and then it will be putting all the furniture back together that we've broken down and put in storage and we'll have the start of another nursery.

I find myself more and more these days just walking past the room and having to stop and think about how I'll have another child in there in just a mere 3 months. It still blows my mind that I'll have TWO kids next year! How am I old enough to have one, let alone two?! Don't answer that...

Heading into my third trimester in just one more week, I've started to have all the not-so-awesome symptoms that "start at the end". My heartburn has been kicked up to a new level. I'm hoping this has the same meaning that it did when I was pregnant with Emma...hair! I would LOVE it if P had a head full of dark hair, just like E did! The Lord knows we have more than enough bows and headbands to accessorize a small army of girly girls.

P is also quickly running out of room (even though I have no idea how since I feel like a blimp these days) and is quick to show her disdain by kicking me in the ribs. I can also now see her moving, even now as I'm typing this in bed. She's so much more active than Emma was; sometimes, it's cute, but other times when she's wedged herself under my ribs or is performing acrobatics on my bladder, it's not so cute. I know I'll miss this part of pregnancy the most after she's here (and since she's my last, Lord willing) so I'm trying to take it all in.

One symptom I will definitely NOT miss is the Braxton Hicks contractions. I forgot just how much they can hurt sometimes! They go away just as quickly as they come on but I can't help but feel they're more intense this time around. I try to keep my hydration up so I can avoid the ones brought on by lack of water, but being so busy at work and at home these days makes it hard to remember to drink my prescribed 64 ounces of water.

I still crave sweets more than anything, but I will never turn down Mexican or Chinese food! I try to mix it up just so I won't be stuffing my face with chocolate all the time, but I find myself snacking more these days than eating actual meals. I would much rather have a quick bowl of cereal as to cook a full meal with a main protein and a couple of veggies. I'm all about ease and timing these days, which I can only assume is preparation for what's to come.

Sleeping is hit or miss. Sometimes my snoogle helps and sometimes I just have to toss and turn to find any small amount of comfort that will get me to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. Again, I know it's all preparation for what's to come. I am praying BIG TIME that P is as good of a sleeper as E was, but only time will tell.

With all the excitement of upcoming holidays, we're looking ahead to all the excitement of 2017 too, besides the birth of our second adorable daughter. Curt will be getting married in May! It still weird to think about my youngest brother getting married, but he's all grown up, got a big boy job, moved up north, and will now be marrying a Yankee...

In all seriousness, Ashton is fantastic. She has to be to be able to put up with Curtis ;) I've only been around her once in person, but it was enough for me to see how my brother fell in love with her. She's perfect for him and I couldn't be more excited for them! I'm also excited to be taking part in their wedding! I'm having to play the guessing game with my bridesmaids dress size though, so hopefully this will incentivize me to lose the baby weight fast and fit in this dress! I got to represent for the southern belles and look my best! ;) More to come on the wedding festivities for spring of '17!

Emma is...well, Emma. Her speech is getting better and better every day and we're understanding her so much better. We've entered the phase of "my do" now as well. Everything is "my do" from putting on her own diaper at night (which is a hoot) to pouring her own chocolate milk. Most things we'll let her try herself but for obvious reasons on other things, we have to break her little heart and tell her she can't do it right now. She's very independent, which is a great thing and something I prayed for my whole pregnancy, but it can make for a very stubborn child when you tell her she can't tie her own shoes or fix her own hair just yet.

I have a good feeling that she also knows something big is coming in the next few months. She's been the clingiest she's ever been with Rory and I and always wants one of us to pick her up and carry her everywhere. It's fine for Rory, but since I'm restricted on how much weight I can carry and with my belly growing ever-so ginormous, it's very hard for her to understand why I can't pick her up and hold her. I'm hoping she won't go through a jealous streak with Penny gets here but I'm preparing myself for it just in case it happens. We may be experiencing a lot of spankings in our future...

We're headed to Mt. Pleasant this weekend for the beginning of the holiday festivities and I can't wait for all the food and fun! I still can't believe we're already nearing the end of 2016, but I can't wait to see what God has in store for us for the rest of this year and heading into next year!

I hope everyone has enjoyed this FINALLY FALL weather we're having! Now if we could just get some rain...

14 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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