38 weeks

So no baby. Yet. We're exactly a week away (if not before...please, let it be before!) from becoming a family of four and meeting our second perfect little girl!

I'm still holding out a shred of hope that she'll decide to be like her big sister and show up early, but it will be our luck that she'll be stubborn and make the doctors go in and get her next Monday, which technically will happen in either case. Either way, we are lock and loaded and ready to go. Bags are packed. Car seat is ready. Grandparents are on standby. We even made a few last minute purchases this weekend to round out the nursery necessities. Still no decorative progress, but I'm not holding my breath that those will get done until well after Penny arrives. Besides, she'll be enjoying the lack of decor in Rory and my's bedroom for the first, at least, 4 weeks of her life :) We got super lucky that we found this cool mist humidifier that triples as a sound machine AND a nightlight! Talk about form meeting function!

I've also resigned myself to the fact that I will continue to have contractions until she gets here. There haven't been any consistent runs like we've experienced so far, but some of them have been far from a cake walk. My back pain has increased a little every day, but wouldn't yours if you were carrying a 6 1/2 lb boulder in the front of your belly?! The heartburn is back but nothing that a few tums a day won't cure ;)

One symptom that I was able to avoid with Emma but not so much with Penny has been swelling. I attribute most of it to being a tad bigger with Penny than I was with Emma, plus the typical Alabama "winter" that we've been having...40s one day followed by a run of 60s and 70s. Man, I'm so ready for spring already! My feet have been the worst to swell but it's not to the point that I have to resort to strictly house shoes. My shoes just fit a little more snug these days. I'm also getting to the point of not wearing my rings on the days that it gets warm outside. I would rather not have to get them cut off :/

We're all getting excited and ready and Rory and I (or at least I) have been hyping up baby sister to Emma. She seems genuinely excited! She loved seeing Will and Audra's foster baby last weekend and wanted to love all over her so I think we'll be okay for a little bit when Penny gets here. It may be another story altogether when E realizes that Penny won't be going away lol! It really didn't hit me until this weekend how much I'll miss it just being Miss E. I'll miss the snuggles for a little bit because, let's face it, there's really no comfortable way to snuggle a newborn and a toddler. For now, Emma fits just perfectly around my belly when she falls asleep in my lap. It's still not the most comfortable position for me, but I'll take it!

Snuggles at church with my first little love
She goes back and forth between a daddy's girl and a mama's girl, which I don't mind in the least. I'm so glad she loves her daddy because when Penny gets here, they'll be spending a lot more time together, not that Penny won't get daddy time too ;) 

It amazes me to think back on when Emma was first born and just how much she's grown and changed over the last almost 3 years! I'm excited to see Penny grow and change too and to see what kind of little personality she'll have, but I know that I want to soak up every little ounce of her being a newborn because I miss when Emma was that little! I know there will be challenging times and times when I wish we could just fast forward to the good parts, but just like everyone told us when Emma was a baby, we'll even miss those moments when they're gone. At the same time, I want to soak up every moment that Emma is this age because she still has so many firsts to experience! I know that it will all be worth every moment with our two girls but I can't help but think about things that we'll miss because there are two or because I can't stay home with them. It's not something that I can control at this moment so I will just have to give it to God and have faith that He has it all planned out.

Lord willing, the next post will be with pictures of Miss Penny! They'll be pulling her out this time next week so we ask that everyone pray that everything goes smoothly!

I plan on soaking in the last week as a family of three and preparing for another little love!

1 week to go!

God bless!


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