Deja Vu

With every new week with Miss Penny, I'm hit with more and more deja vu moments. I didn't realize just how much I had forgotten (or maybe the better word is blocked) from when Emma was a newborn. Moments like that make me SO glad that I blogged about every week with her! I know that every kid is different, and Penny definitely has her differences from Emma but there are several things that I've been able to prepare for because I did write about going through it with Emma.

This past week, we welcomed back the "witching hour" fussiness. This was one that I completely "forgot", or blocked, but I definitely remember it now! Penny will ramp up the fussiness and general miserableness from 6 to 10. This time around, I know that there's not much to be done to soothe her, but it doesn't stop me from getting so frustrated. I feel bad because I'll get so mad, which is usually when Rory steps in with his calm, cool, and collected self and gives me a brief reprieve from the chaos. She still sleeps pretty well for a three week old baby, and I'm constantly having to remind myself that four hours of uninterrupted sleep for a three week old is pretty fantastic. I'm beginning to realize that my struggle this time around is going to be expectations. I struggled with that with Emma as well, but not to this extent, because I had no clue what to expect as a first-time mom and now I know a little bit more. One small praise report to interject here - Penny gave us a five and a half hour stretch of sleep last night and it was AMAZING to wake up feeling somewhat rested! Please send a prayer up that she does this again tonight ;)

In regards to Penny's differences from Emma, this kid can clear a room in a second with her gas! I mentioned the tummy issues to her doctor and he didn't seem overly concerned. We've continued to give her gripe water and hopefully, she'll outgrow this issue, or just continue to be a more gassy baby. It definitely hurts my heart to see her so upset and to know that we're doing everything we can to ease her pain but it's not enough :(

Emma is beginning to become more comfortable with playing by herself while I take care of Penny. We've also been reminded that she watches EVERYTHING that we do. She "fed" her Elsa doll the other day like mama feeds Penny ;) Just an FYI, I'm nursing P right now, so it was a pretty hysterical site! I was glad at that moment that she's a girl and not a little boy. She wants to do everything like me so I'm constantly having to watch myself, but it's also so cute and flattering to me that she wants to be like her mama! Rory's mom has been visiting this week so Emma will be staying at home everyday as opposed to her usual schedule of going to daycare on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It hasn't been bad at all so far! It's "easier" when you have another pair of hands and eyes to help :)

Rory's work continues to go well but with his immediate supervisor having left and him now being the only one doing his new job AND his old job, he's been a little overwhelmed. We're both praying that the stress level reduces soon and they can get him some help in the office. Other than that, we are praising God that this new opportunity has come up and that Rory can grow and learn new things in his job! Maybe one day in the nearish future, I can become a SAHM! ;)

For now, that's the latest at casa de Guthrie. Next week is Miss P's one month birthday and her and my next check ups. We're looking forward to seeing how much weight P has gained since her last checkup so we can decide just when we'll be swapping over to formula. It'll definitely be in four weeks, but there's always a chance that we have to make that leap to cardboard-box-livin' early ;)

Hope everyone enjoys the nice Alabama "winter" that we're having! I plan on taking advantage of the nice weather and getting the girls out VERY soon!

God bless!


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