Fast Five

These past 5 months as a family of four have been an adventure - and one I wouldn't trade for the world!

Penny is really starting to come into her own and has the sweetest personality! She's so happy most of the time (when she's not hungry or tired) and LOVES when people talk to her. She'll go to just about anyone, unless you catch her when she's hungry or tired. Are you seeing a pattern yet? 😉 The kid loves her bottle and sleep! A kid after our own heart lol! She's continuing to work on sleeping more at night and is up to an average of 10 1/2 hours. She'll still occasionally wake up a couple of times in the night looking for her paci, but she'll fall right back to sleep. She's also still on a great schedule of eating every four hours with a few naps a day. She's definitely a mover and I really think she'll start working on crawling in the next few months. She's trying to sit up by herself now and loves to play with her feet. My baby is growing up! 😲

Emma has reached the stage where she repeats EVERYTHING she hears and has to give a play by play of what has either just happened or what is currently happening. She gave me my first mommy-guilt episode Sunday when she got herself stuck in the bathroom at the church building. I wasn't even paying attention and thought she was off playing with her friends. As I was talking to a friend, we heard these screams coming from the back of the church building and thought a kid was just screaming to scream. It turned out to be Emma screaming and crying in the bathroom because she couldn't get out! Talk about immediate heartbreak! I felt terrible that I hadn't been paying attention and that I didn't even know my own child's scream! 😢 She was fine after a few minutes, and like I said, she had to give a play by play to everyone for the next hour about how she got stuck in the bathroom and screamed and cried (and also how her mama saved her 😍). It gave me flashbacks to when I got lost in a department store one time and was crying for my mom. I knew that it would inevitably happen, seeing as how kids like to wonder off, but I'm glad the first time was at church and around people I trust with my own life!

My little loves!

This past week was a week of weird and I almost wish that we could start over with some of the happenings, but such is life. Tuesday was Prime Day, which in work-world translates to "no work day"! I ordered a couple of things but was proud that I kept myself in check. I could have gone crazy with some of those deals! Wednesday started out with a meeting in Vestavia for a few of us at work, and then turned into a lock-down at work for the rest of the day after a triple murder and the murderer on the loose in Gardendale! It was a nerve-racking day for sure, especially since the murders happened not far from where the girls go to daycare. Unfortunately, the man escaped to Florida and killed himself. I don't want to wish harm to anyone, regardless of circumstances, but I knew there was no way that man was going to be taken alive. I was sadly relieved when I saw that he was found dead that afternoon, meaning that the threat of harm to my family and all others in the area was gone. After all of that excitement, I was ready for the week to be over!

We did have some fun this weekend when we went to Garrett's 3rd birthday in Muscle Shoals. It was so good to see so many people that I haven't seen in so long! I got to meet kids that I've only seen pictures of on Facebook and everyone got to meet Penny! Garrett had a great party (minus the rain) and got some awesome toys and books! I always experience serious nostalgia when I go back to Muscle Shoals/Florence and my heart hurts when I have to leave. I miss the people and the memories that I made there. Rory and I have been in agreement for a LONG time that if it was possible, we'd move back in a second!

Playing before the party

Today also marks 9 years since Rory and I started dating. NINE YEARS! And I thought 5 months went by fast...I still remember the first time we met like it was yesterday. Sometimes, I'll sit and think about the good ole' days and wish that times were simpler like back then. But I know that I wouldn't change having the experiences that we've had and the two beautiful daughters that we've made over the past 9 years. The next 9 will be filled with even more, Lord willing - experiences, not daughters!

Rory's face as we were sitting in the drive-thru with Emma talking 90 to nothing and Penny screaming at the top of her lungs - This is his "NO MORE" face 😂

Lord willing, this week won't be as "exciting" as last week, but I'm looking forward to starting a couple new experiences. I'm going to attempt to start training for a 5K that I've signed up for in September with work. I've tried to train for two others in the past using the Couch25K app and, hilariously, ended up having to quit a couple of weeks in due to getting pregnant! Let's hope this time isn't three for three! Rory has also been working on getting a bible study together with some of our friends and our first class is tomorrow. I'm excited to see where this goes! I miss the studies we used to have before everyone started having kids. I pray the Lord blesses this study in a big way!

I hope everyone has a good week and stays cool! It's supposed to get up in the mid to upper 90s this week! Summer in Alabama is here, people! 😨

God bless!


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