Life Goes On

This past week was a good one filled with all the normalcies of life with a toddler and a baby 😉

We had our first bible class on Tuesday and I felt like it went well! It was just an introductory class with an overview of what we'll be studying, but I'm real optimistic about it! The book of James has always been Rory's favorite and it's definitely one of mine too. It's so practical and straight forward. No guessing about what James is writing about. Sounds like a guy I would have liked to have known! Tomorrow is class #2. I'm excited to see it continue to grow!

I also started my 5K training and got a whole one session in for the week! 😂 Granted, my intentions were to get all three sessions done for the week, but life happens and you have to prioritize. The one time I did go went pretty well. I started out thinking it would be no problem, but by the last stint of running, I just knew I was going to die right there on the track. Running is definitely a hate/hate relationship for me, but I'm going to do it! I'll just have to keep telling myself that over and over. This week, I have the same intentions of running three times, even with this devil sinus infection that I've come down with. 😒 It never fails to happen. Every time I get excited about exercising, I have to get sick and always end up quitting before I've really even begun. Not this time! I'll let y'all know how it really goes this time...

After my first (and only) run...I'm still working on learning how to take selfies 😉

Penny has continued to grow into her own little personality. She is such a happy baby! Times are few and far between when she does get really upset, but don't let that little smile fool you. She's got a temper that will rival even Bobby Knight's! She'll go from zero to 100 in a second flat and catch you completely off guard. It doesn't take too long to get her calmed back down, but good grief, you'll be tending your whiplash for a while! She's taken some great naps this week, but that has also translated into terrible sleep at night. It didn't help that she and Emma were both fighting short-lived colds this past week either, as well as what I'm sure was teething. She's slacked off on her eating, but I'm hoping she can pop a tooth out in the next month and we can be back to good eating and sleeping for everyone - at least until the next tooth begins it's assault.

Working on holding her own bottle! 😲

Emma continues to be Emma. I can't tell you how many people tell me that she's just the best kid ever, but they don't have to go home with her. 😉 In all honesty, she really is a good kid, but she knows how to play people. She is very sweet, but she's really starting to show more jealousy when it comes to people giving attention to Penny and not her. I know it's a first kid thing because she's used to being the center of attention. Bless her, it's only going to get rougher. I've noticed that I've had to give more spankings, and they really haven't been phasing her as of late. I really hate to have to break out the big guns (paddle) but I don't see any other option when I can't get enough umph behind my hand for it to really get her attention. I'm also always nervous that I'm spanking her back instead of her bottom. The kid has no butt! She's tiny anyways, so having such a tiny butt gives me a very small target area. The struggle is real people. Rory gets lucky and doesn't even have to divvy out the corporal punishment. She's such a daddy's girl that all he has to do is speak in a stern voice to her and she falls apart completely! How do guys do that?!

In other Emma News, I had to forego my second running session on Thursday to take Emma to the doctor after a bug bite ended up looking suspicious enough to freak me out. The girl gets bit by EVERYTHING so it doesn't surprise me to see bug bites pop up literally overnight. This particular one was nothing out of the ordinary earlier in the week after she initially got it. By Thursday morning, it looked like this:

I listened to my mother's intuition and called the doctor to see if they could check it out. Turned out to be a spider bite so I'm glad I took her in! She was prescribed an antibiotic and some ointment just out of precaution and it has since gotten much better. I was in the mood to burn down the house that night, but we settled for a deep clean of Emma's room and changed the sheets on her bed and checked every nook and cranny. We never saw anything but we're definitely on the lookout now since it's been so hot and bugs are creeping in to find water and shelter. I'm really surprised we haven't seen more creepy crawlies like I used to in that house. Maybe they're all holding out until they absolutely can't stand the Alabama summer. I'd have given up a month ago! 

Saturday was a fun day at the Deer Expo. We try to go every year so this year was no exception! I love to walk around and look and dream about the day that I'll live in a log cabin by the lake and Rory and I will go hunting with all our top of the line gear. Hey, it's a dream, isn't it?! We did get a few things along the lines of a new flashlight for Rory, a new Auburn tshirt for me, and some out-of-this-world delicious seasonings! We tried one of them out Saturday night when Rory grilled some chicken and it was just as good as the samples we had at the expo! I tried another one on some fish for lunch Sunday, and it turned out fantastic too! You can't go wrong with some homemade southern seasonings!

Both girls have fully recovered from their short-lived colds and decided to share with me. I'm hoping mine will be just as short-lived as theirs and I'll be back to my old self before the end of the week. I'll need all my strength to handle both girls Wednesday thru Friday since Rory's having a procedure done Wednesday and will be down and out for a few days. He won't be able to pick up either of the girls for two weeks, but luckily neither one of them are that heavy so it's no change for me. 😃 Say a little prayer that everything goes good on Wednesday because I know he's nervous. It won't be anything big, just a quick outpatient procedure. Pray that he's back on his feet quickly, for his sanity! 😂

Emma wants to hold her all the time, but Penny's almost caught up to her size!

My little loves 💕

Not much else to report in casa de Guthrie. I'm gearing up for another short trip for work to New Jersey next week so I'm looking forward to a couple nights of sleep lol! Pray that everything stays smooth on the home-front until I get back. Enjoy the reprieve from scorching temps this week!

God bless!


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