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I think the motto for 2020 should be "Expect the Unexpected". There's absolutely NO way we could have all prepared for the epic disaster that has been the last 9 months....shocking losses, global pandemics, the longest Spring Break ever, a never ending hurricane season, nationwide riots, etc. For a little while, it was a running joke to say "now what?" but we've all thought better at this point. Nobody is saying "what could possibly be next" because we really don't want to know. 

So is it really a surprise that after spending two months cooped up at home and five months slowly reacclimating our life to where it once was that I catch the very virus that has everyone in a tizzy? How very 2020. I've now become a statistic, but thankfully not one of the serious numbers.

The virus really wasn't much worse than the flu. Ironically, I've only had the flu once and it was the swine flu that was novel back in 2010. What is it with me getting novel versions of viruses?! I was sort of hopeful that this was just a simple case of the flu because I could at least get more serious meds to deal with it, but with it being late September and the whole pandemic thing going on, the odds of it being anything BUT COVID-19 was slim to none. The worst of it only lasted a couple of days, but I was definitely miserable for those days. The weirdest thing to happen was losing smell. Thankfully, I only lost it completely for about two days, but it's very slow in coming back. I never lost taste completely, but losing smell definitely effected how I taste things. I'm thankful that my symptoms have been on the milder side and that it's all now just a distant memory. God was certainly looking out! 👐

We presume that the girls also got it. They both ran high fevers for a couple of days but had no other symptoms. From what we've heard, kids have very mild symptoms, if any, and it doesn't last very long. They still have to stay isolated for one more week to make sure that the virus is completely gone. 

The weakness and fatigue are still slow in completely dissipating but I shouldn't be surprised since my body basically fought an unknown virus for the better part of two weeks. I'm praying for everyone who is fighting this virus or will fight this virus in the coming months. May God give you fast healing! 

After all of this, I'm SO ready to see what 2021 will bring. This time of year always goes by quickly so I'm looking forward to cooler weather, holidays, and hopefully some quality time with family to bring this crazy year to a close. Granted, a lot can happen in two and a half months, which this year has proven again and again. I'm just going to take it a day at a time. Now that three out of four of the Guthries have some immunities built up for this beast, we plan on taking full advantage of going wherever we want! 

God bless!


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