The New Year

It is finally 2012! And this year promises some excitement : )

Firstly, our church has started a Bible reading program that will have us read the entire Bible in a year! I am so excited to start this and I know that it will make us all stronger Christians! We are also studying, in depth, the books of Exodus and Acts. We will be focusing on the beginning of the Old Law versus the beginning of the New Law. So far, its been pretty eye opening. I've known the story of Moses since I was a kid, but reading it again as an adult makes it just a little bit more real.

We are in countdown mode to the wedding this year as well! 3 months and 2 1/2 weeks until Will and Audra tie the knot! I still can't believe my brother is getting married.....they are in the process right now of trying to find an apartment...and jobs haha! I guess you kind of need the latter before you can get the former ; )

We are also looking forward to some babies this year! My best friend Sarah will have her baby in June (pretty much after we get back from a mini-vaca in DC) and my SIL is also expecting! So I will be an aunt for the second time : ) Its kind of a weird nephew right now is 13 so he really is more like a brother than a nephew for Rory and me. This will be the first one that will feel real. I'm pretty excited : )

I'm hoping that God brings lots a blessings this year as well as strength to endure the inevitable hardships.

God bless!


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