T-minus 4 days!!!

Rory and I are closing in on our third vacation as a married couple! (That includes our honeymoon) Four days till we are making our way up to DC! I'm not so excited about the driving (12 hours in a car...bleh) but I can't WAIT for all the sight seeing! Back when I lived there, I could have cared less about monuments and museums. I was all about it if there was something fun to do (and what 5 year old isn't?). Now that I'm 20 years older, I can appreciate the significance and meaning of everything there and I am SO excited! I've been checking the 10-day forecasts for the DC area for a week now and it looks a lot like down here...maybe a few degrees cooler. And wouldn't you know, the forecast for down here while we're gone is sunny and mid-60s everyday :/ It would wait till we leave to get beautiful.

On the wedding front, Audra and Will had their first wedding shower last weekend...and boy did they rack up! They got three toaster ovens and three sets of cookware! We're talking the nice $800 cookware sets! Little did we know that Audra is related to all of Gardendale, including the founding families of Gardendale....or as my mom would say, "Old Money". I should have invited these people to my showers! : ) They still haven't found an apartment they like, but with 55 days left until the wedding, I'm thinking they might have to settle on "good enough". They've already talked about moving abroad and working with non-profit organizations in 3rd world countries before they settle down and start having kids. More power to them...

Speaking of kids, I guess there is something in the water around here because everybody and their mama is pregnant! It is not a good thing for people like me who have had baby fever since I got married! I guess I'm glad that Rory is wanting to wait because it gives us opportunities to go on vacations by ourselves pretty much anywhere we want. Plus, we're wanting to move within the next year, and doing that and having a baby would probably prove to be a challenge. None the less, I will enjoy getting my baby fixes from my friends and sister-in-law this summer : )

God Bless!


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