What is wrong with you?!

So I didn't have the privilege (and apparently it was a good thing) to watch the VMA's last night. From all of the news on the internet and Facebook, it was quite a show. I will say that I wish I could have seen the N*SYNC reunion (my inner 12 year old was totally jealous!). So I wanted to throw my own two cents in about the whole Miley Cyrus fiasco.

Is anyone really surprised? I can't say that I am. It's almost like as soon as she chopped her hair off, her morals and self-worth went right along with it. I understand (sadly) that Hollywood is all about being sexy and being noticed and apparently, you have to wear a nude bikini and grind on a married man twice your age to be sexy and get noticed. I wonder what Mrs. Paula Patton thought about that.

It is really sad that Miley's parents are really nowhere to be found as their daughter is spiraling out of control. If I have to hear one more Hollywood parent use the excuse that their child is just "expressing" themselves, I may just scream and move to another planet! So how about when she's labelled a slut for the rest of her adult life? How about when her relationships fail because she just wants to "express herself"? I understand that not too long ago, I was a young adult woman "expressing" myself, but I sure as heck knew where the line was and I wasn't about to cross it! It only took a few parties and a couple of guys who were plenty clear on how they saw me for me to realize that I didn't want that persona and I needed to change, quick! Now, I can't say that my situation and Miley's are the same because she's surrounded by Hollywood and I was surrounded by college students in Florence, AL. But I would really like to ask her if that's how she really wants to be seen and remembered.

So that's my soap box for the day.

In other news, Rory started school last week so it's been a little bit of an adjustment not having him at the house until later two nights a week. Good thing I've got other things to occupy my time! I'm actually going to be in a play at the Gardendale Civic Center in 2 1/2 weeks! It's a small play so not may lines to memorize (which means less rehearsal!) I start my rehearsals tonight and I'm pretty excited : ) Also, FOOTBALL STARTS IN 3 DAYS!!! Can you tell that I'm excited?! I'm about ready for the weather to follow suit too. Although this summer has been extremely mild as far as Alabama summers go. This week will be the first time in a while that we will hit the 90s! I just hope that means that we'll have a cold winter and maybe some snow ; )

God Bless!


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