The New Normal

This past week, things have steadily become easier as we get into a routine. It's still, by no means "easy" to get up in the middle of the night and feed and change an infant when you're still half asleep yourself, but it's getting there. I imagine by the time I head back to work, I'll have mastered the late night feedings....don't know if I can say the same for Rory though ;) 

Rory started back to work last Thursday but could only stand to be away for one day ;) he took a sick day on Friday and stayed home with us one more day :) I have to say that he did in fact go to the doctor on Friday and got a shot and some meds for sinus crap that he's had since Emma was born (seriously, he had the stuffy nose and sore throat starting the Monday that she was born) so his sick day was actually legit. That's not to say he didn't enjoy vegging out on the couch and watching the masters all day with his favorite girls ;)

So far (knock on wood), Emma has been a champ at sleeping. Last week, she actually slept a full five hours one night and completely freaked me out, but it did feel pretty good to get five hours of uninterrupted sleep myself. She's actually figured out night and day pretty quickly too and sleeps longer periods at night and eats more during the day. She's a content baby most of the time so I don't have much to complain about - except maybe the fact that she likes to surprise us sometimes with streams of random pee right in the middle of diaper changes...and I'm talking, she needs a peepee teepee like little boys have! She can launch it pretty good ;) she's only gotten me a couple times and I've now learned to open the diaper and let it breathe for a little bit before switching to the next diaper :) She's a little stinker ;)

She made her first outing (other than to the doctor) last night when we went to visit her boyfriend ;) it was a good visit! She got a little fussy when it was time to eat but after her belly was full and she had a nice clean diaper on, she was down for the count! Then it was another five hour stretch of sleep :) Tonight will be her second outing (Lord willing, since the weather is suppose to get pretty dicey) to Reesee and Pops house for her first of many family dinners. Her uncles and aunt are pretty stoked about it ;)

I am still in disbelief that she's two weeks old's going by too fast :( I found out last week from the disability company (I'm taking short term disability leave because we couldn't afford 8 weeks of no pay for me to stay with her) that I only get 8 weeks leave instead of the 12 that I originally thought I got. I know it's still 8 weeks but that means I only have 6 weeks left with my baby girl before I have to return to the real world :*( As fast as the last two weeks have been, I know it will be here before I can turn around so I am soaking up all I can! Thankfully, my mom will be taking her a few days a week starting in June and hopefully, I'll be able to work out staying with her the other two days working from home :) it would be super nice to be able to work from home exclusively and save the $500+ a month we'll be dropping on daycare starting in August ;) We'll see what God has in store.

Hope everyone has a good week and can avoid getting whiplash from the Alabama spring weather this week!

God bless!


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