10 months

This week is so bitter sweet to me...and I know every month around this time will be. My baby is 10 months old. She growing and changing every day and I love the little person she's becoming!

E now has five teeth and is working on #6. She still hasn't quite figured out how to use them when eating because most of her food is either baby food or food that dissolves quickly that she can just swallow. We'll get there though ;) I swear this kid is going to walk before she crawls! She absolutely hates tummy time and shows no interest in even trying to crawl but loves to stand up and walk while holding on to your hands. It's so funny to watch her walk because she's so little! It's ganna be like watching a baby doll walk, except a lot less creepy :)

We had a great week with Pappy visiting us for the majority of the week. It was so sweet to see Emma sitting on his lap eating puffs in the evening while I cooked supper. I wish now I had taken a picture. She's still very much a mama's girl right now but she's getting better at being content if someone is talking to her or playing with her.

She's still a bottomless pit too. She eats no less than 26 oz of formula a day, plus two pouches of fruit during the day and veggies for dinner. She's finally broken into her 3-6 month clothes too ;) We're getting plenty of wear out of all those clothes! With the rate she's going, we've got the next 2 years covered in the clothing department! :)

The next month and a half will be full of planning and shopping to get ready for E's first birthday party. I'm pretty excited but sad at the same time. My baby will be one! How did that happen so fast?! I still remember so vividly the day she was born. Was it really almost a year ago? :/ I'm so glad she's growing though. So much has happened in one year but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world! I love that little girl with all my heart!

We've finally settled pretty well into the "new" house but there's still a ton of stuff left at the old house. I sit amazed at all the junk we've accumulated over the past 4 years. Our cup overfloweth :) Hopefully we can get it organized and get the house ready to sell by the spring. Lord willing, that won't take long!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful first month of 2015!

God bless!


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