Countdown to one...

Not much to report on this week...E may finally be getting over her cold! Just in time for the weather to go crazy again so everybody not yet sick can get it and everyone fighting it to have to continue to fight it :/ Oh alabama winters...

We're finally making some headway with the hallway bathroom upstairs. A good friend came to help lay the tile this weekend so he and Rory have been working in there the last two nights. We're hoping to have the whole thing done by the time Rory's parents come to visit in a couple weeks. Maybe we'll make it ;)

For the first time now, Emma has soared right through one size in clothes on to the next. She just started wearing 3-6 month clothes a couple of weeks ago and she's already moved into 6 month! The girl is growing like a weed! I'm definitely not complaining, as she's almost one and wearing 6 month clothes ;)

I've also learned a very valuable lesson lately. I use to HATE hand-me-downs when I was growing up. I wanted to have all new clothes that were my own. I never understood why my mom insisted on using second hand clothes. Now that I'm a mom, eureka! Hand-me-downs are amazing!!! I love when people tell me they have boxes of clothes they aren't using anymore that I can borrow/have for Emma! I know that she'll hate them just like I did but there's nothing better than saving that $30 on two pieces of clothing when you can go through a box of 20 pairs of clothes for free! Wow my mom was smart...

 I've got my first few decorations for Emma's party now so these next few weeks will be building on it and planning. It's crazy that she'll be 11 months old on Saturday but even crazier that we'll be one month from having a one year old! 

Hope everyone has a great last week of February!

God bless!


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