
The only way to describe the happenings since my last post It seems to go faster and faster and I try to soak in every moment.

E's now fighting her umpteenth cold (I've seriously lost track). We just got over congestion that lasted -no lie- two weeks. Thankfully, her colds never last long so she'll likely be back to "normal" by early next week. And just in time for snow! That's the rumor anyways :)

Still no walking or crawling but I'm thinking that I should take advantage of this time while she's still a "house plant", as I've heard it described. Shes definitely a squirmer and wants to move but can't quite do it on her own yet. I know I'll be sad when she finally does become mobile because it will mean I don't have a baby anymore...I'll have a toddler! :/ I don't think I'm ready for that just yet...

E's up to 3/6 month clothes now (at 10 months old) but she's got the cutest little rolls on her legs :) She's a chunker compared to where we were 6 months ago! She says mama and dada with a good bit of frequency, although I'm pretty sure she doesn't understand either one.

Emma also got another friend this week! Houston Hayes was born yesterday! We're so excited for Nick, Laura and Jordan! He outweighed his cousin and brother at birth tipping the scales at 9 lbs 11 oz...but of course, Emma needs big, strong men to protect her! She's got lots of options now ;)

I'm also in full planning mode for E's first birthday party! I've got about a month and a half but I'm still so overwhelmed by all the stuff to do! I know she won't remember a thing about it but I figure first birthdays are more for the parents than the kid :) Hopefully it will be as cute in real life as I've pictured it in my head. That's a dangerous thing but made easier thanks to Pinterest ;) it still blows my mind that I'll have a one year old in a month and a half...but that's life! I would live to keep her a baby forever but I also want her to keep growing and changing. Every change is so fun now (except the teething, that kind of bites...pun intended ;)

Hope everyone stays warm and enjoys their Valentine's Day! We'll be celebrating ours as a family of three this year and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

God bless!


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