11 months

We are now entering Emma's birthday month! If I haven't said it enough, it's definitely crazy now that by the end of this month, Rory and I will have a one year old!!!

Still no crawling or walking by herself but she did learn a new trick this past week...the cutest grin ever! I think she's even throwing in winking with it! It cracks us and her Reesee and Pop up!

I don't know why she started doing this but it's hysterical and adorable all at once! I think she's also full on teething again too. She's been ill the last couple of days and has been pretty congested. It takes a while to eat her bottles because she's so stuffy and her naps are starting to suffer :/ But she's been a trooper with her Reesee and Pop here this weekend and she's in a pretty good mood unless tired or hungry (but isn't that any baby?)

E also witnessed her first snow this past week! She wasn't so sure about it at first. She just stared for a while not sure what to do with it and then on Thursday when we went out to play in it, she wanted to knock the snowman over :)

Thankfully we stayed warm and dry at some friends house since our house lost power. We got about four good, powdery inches of snow; the perfect snow for snowmen and snow ball fights! ;) 

Unfortunately, it was not good for work. I was very limited on working remotely (I'm talking I could only use my iPhone...seriously) so I got very behind. I'm hoping I can get caught up early this week before we're set to get another round of winter storms on Thursday. I am SO tired of this Alabama winter. I'm ready for highs in the mid-70s, sunny days, and flip flops! Who's with me?!

Hope everyone has enjoyed the first day of March! Stay safe this week!

God bless!


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